
SEL and Mental Health in Distance Learning - District Leaders Share Best Practices

Ripple Effects

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Ripple Effects.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

Listen to education leaders working on the front lines of distance learning as they share how they are successfully implementing social-emotional and mental health supports for students and staff.

In this edWebinar podcast, the presenters share:

  • How to effectively connect and build trust with students, laying the groundwork for engagement and learning
  • Best practices for supporting students in special education in distance learning
  • How to ensure staff feels safe and supported
  • How to implement SEL that supports anti-racism and equity in distance learning
  • How to implement digital tools in an MTSS for efficacy and sustainability

School and district administrators learn concrete steps they can take to deliver effective, trauma-informed SEL and mental health supports to students and staff as schools and communities continue to grapple with the challenges of COVID-19.

This edWebinar podcast is of interest to school and district leaders of preK through high school grade levels, federal program coordinators, and those involved in student mental health.

Ripple Effects
Proven effective SEL & Mental Health Digital Programs for preK-12 students and staff

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