
Leading for Equity - Supporting Student and Staff Mental Health Through a Community of Wellness

AASA, The Superintendents Association

This edWeb podcast is hosted by AASA, The School Superintendents Association.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

Since COVID-19 disrupted schools in March 2020, access to mental health services is more essential than ever for students and staff. As a result of the global pandemic and a mission to meet the needs of each student, Duval County Public Schools has developed an “organic” rising of community support systems to address mental health needs. 

Join the 2021 Florida Superintendent of the Year, Dr. Diana L. Greene, as she and her colleagues share insights into mental health curriculums, advocacy and policies to ensure mental health services for ALL students. Community support has been pivotal to designing behavioral and mental health supports in a blended environment. Dr. Greene discusses intentional steps the district is taking to address disparities with mental health access and service delivery. Dr. Gregory Bostic, Principal of Jean Ribault High School, Katrina Taylor, Duval County Public School’s Director of School Behavioral Health and Full Service Schools Program, and Charis Scurry, Community Partnership Coordinator for the Wolfson Children’s School Based Health Centers at Ribault Senior High School, share how they are applying the system’s design in mental health advocacy within the schoolhouse gates. 

Essential questions include:

  • What are the basic elements of a district’s strong mental health program before, during and after a worldwide pandemic? 
  • How do district leaders work with community partners to meet the needs of a growing mental health crisis for students and staff? 
  • What are the next steps for district leaders who are finding themselves needing to develop social and emotional learning and support systems for staff and students? 

Listeners learn about strategies to address systemic disparities and inequities in order to benefit all students. This edWeb podcast is of particular value to school superintendents, K-12 school and district leaders, and aspiring leaders.

AASA, The Superintendents Association
AASA advocates for equity for all students and develops and supports school system leaders.

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