
Trauma-Informed SEL in Tiered Systems of Support - Ed Leaders Share Best Practices

Sound Supports K12 and Associates & Ripple Effects Social Emotional Learning

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Sound Supports K12 and Associates & Ripple Effects Social Emotional Learning.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

Listen to education leaders—including Chicago Public Schools’ Leadership award winner—as they share how to create trauma-informed schools and districts and support students’ SEL and mental health across tiered systems of support. In this edWeb podcast, the presenters share:

  • How to create safe and predictable environments for students, even in distance learning
  • How to connect and build trust with students, so engagement and learning can happen in both in-person and distance-learning contexts
  • How to implement trauma-informed SEL that addresses each student’s unique barriers to learning and builds resilience
  • How to implement digital tools in an MTSS for efficacy and sustainability
  • How to bring an equity lens to trauma-informed SEL work

School and district administrators, teachers and school support staff learn concrete steps they can take to ensure their schools and districts are trauma informed across tiers, and that their students’ SEL and mental health are meaningfully supported as they continue to grapple with the challenges of COVID-19 and the social unrest we are all experiencing. 

This edWeb podcast is of interest to preK-12 school and district leaders, teachers, school counselors and social workers, federal program coordinators, and those involved in supporting student mental and behavioral health.

Sound Supports K12 and Associates
Training, coaching, and technical assistance to schools and districts across the Pacific Northwest

Ripple Effects
Proven effective SEL & Mental Health Digital Programs for preK-12 students and staff

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