
edFocus Summit: The Student's Voice

Project Tomorrow

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Project Tomorrow.

In this no-spin zone discussion with middle and high students from across the country, we adjust your sight lines with input from the students about their ideas for more effective and engaging learning – and expectations for new learning models post COVID. Julie Evans of Project Tomorrow leads a discussion with students from across the country. 

In 2015, Project Tomorrow asked students across the nation to predict what learning would look like in 2020.  At that time, a 6th grader from Maryland shared that in their 2020 vison every student would have a mobile device and learn via online classes, educational videos would be a predominant instructional approach, and everyone texted with their teacher.  Per this prophetic student, “Everything will be online and everyone will learn more.”  While this student of course had no way to foresee the pandemic or the resulting sudden shift to digital learning in 2020, we can take away from this prediction that our students have a unique vision for learning that may be ahead of the sight lines of most adults.  

Project Tomorrow
Preparing today's students to be tomorrow's innovators, leaders, and engaged citizens.

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