
Understanding and Boosting Student Engagement in Today’s 21st Century Learning Environments

CatchOn, An ENA Affiliate

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by CatchOn, An ENA Affiliate and Battelle for Kids.
The edLeader Panel recording can be accessed here.

Over the last year, we’ve seen tremendous shifts in learning. Educators are reimagining ways to engage students in meaningful 21st century learning, both in the classroom and in digital learning environments. As districts continue to develop and integrate tools, processes, instructional approaches, and assessments to meet the learning needs of all students, understanding and defining student engagement will become an increasingly critical component of ensuring equitable and deeper learning outcomes. 

Hear how two districts are utilizing data, engaging with their communities, supporting educators, and creating strategies to increase student engagement and accelerate learning. 

This edWeb podcast is of interest to school and district leaders of elementary through high school grade levels.

CatchOn, an ENA Affiliate
Data analytics tool providing admin leaders efficacy of their tech investments and integrations.

Battelle for Kids
BFK has the mission of realizing the power and promise of 21st century learning for every student.

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