
Back to the Future: 3 Key Actions for 2021-22 You Can Take NOW!

Alma SIS

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Alma SIS.
The edLeader Panel recording can be accessed here.

We are all anxious and excited to re-open schools, but we know we can’t and shouldn’t just go back to the “pre-pandemic” world of education. We have learned too much from pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps this past year and are eager to apply that to build better, more engaged, and equitable learning communities. The time is now! 

Listen to this edWeb podcast where we talk about using what we have learned to go “Back to the Future” in time for the 2021-22 school year. The panelists address topics from ensuring equity and inclusion to maximizing newly available funds, and will highlight three key areas to help you successfully “future-proof” your entire learning community. 

This edWeb podcast is of interest to preK-12 teachers and school and district leaders. 

Alma SIS
We are here to improve the education of students by empowering educators.

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