
Build Your K-12 Sales and Marketing Plans Around the ESSER Funding


This edWeb podcast is hosted by edWeb.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

Listen to an edWeb podcast with Rita Ferrandino that helps education industry organizations unlock ESSER Funding for products, programs, and services that empower students, teachers, parents, and administrators through evidence-based solutions to accelerate learning. 

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides $170 billion to education, making this the federal government’s largest single investment in United States education history. The American Rescue Plan coupled with the Education Stimulus of the CARES Act ($31 billion) and the CRRSAA Act ($80 billion) brings a total of $281 billion to be deployed into education by 2023. This presentation helps you understand how the money flows and the buying cycles, and how to build your K-12 sales and marketing plan around the funding. 

This edWeb podcast is part of our edFocus series on the impact of COVID-19 and the future of education. The podcast is of interest to all executives and leaders in K-12 education.

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