
Six Elements of Success - A K-12 Leaders’ Guide to Successful Technology Integration

Digital Promise

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Digital Promise.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

The COVID-19 pandemic laid bare the inequitable access to technology and broadband required for continuity of education through distance learning, particularly for students who have traditionally been marginalized. Unprecedented federal funding through the CARES Act and the American Rescue Plan provides an opportunity to make significant strides toward closing the digital learning gap, but only if we think differently about how schools leverage technology to meet the needs of every learner. Access to technology and broadband alone will not improve teaching and learning. 

Digital Promise’s new K-12 Leaders’ Guide to Successful Technology Integration shares best practices from several of the organization’s initiatives, including seven years of implementing the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools (VILS) program. They have found that the most successful schools have six elements in place to establish and sustain a culture of powerful learning that leverages technology. 

In this edWeb podcast, you hear from a superintendent and principal whose district and school helped inform this new resource. You leave with strategies for achieving these six elements in your districts. 

This edWeb podcast is of interest to K-12 teachers, school and district leaders, and instructional technology coaches. 

Digital Promise
Digital Promise's mission is to accelerate innovation in education to improve opportunities to learn

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