
Practical Ways to Address SEL Goals with Podcasts


This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Listenwise.
The webinar recording can be accessed here.

For many teachers, supporting students’ mental health will be a focus for the 2021/22 school year. Social and emotional learning is considered a key part of helping students cope with the impact of the pandemic and feel connected and “known” at school. 

This edWeb podcast provides practical strategies for creating a space where academic and social-emotional goals are integrated with content and culturally responsive pedagogy. Teaching with audio stories can help students and teachers get to know each other, develop and practice important skills and competencies, and establish a positive classroom culture. 

In this edWeb podcast, learn how to use audio content, pedagogy, and teaching strategies to integrate social and emotional learning into your teaching and spark academic conversations. Neuroscience shows that emotion, attention, and learning are linked. The storytelling and human emotions found in podcasts make them the perfect medium to build SEL skills and this session showcases lessons that prepare students to be thoughtful, engaged, connected, and compassionate people. 

Listeners leave with strategies on how to create lessons that encourage student self-reflection and explore topics like mindfulness, self-efficacy and growth mindset, perseverance, responsibility, empathy, and gratitude. 

This edWeb podcast is of interest to teachers and school and district leaders of the elementary through high school levels. 

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