
Formative and Summative Assessment: Springboards for Achievement

January 30, 2022 Mastery Manager

This edWeb podcast is sponsored by Mastery Manager.
The edLeader Panel recording can be accessed here.

As school districts of every size work to boost student outcomes, teacher capacity, and accountability, the role of assessments and the value of professional learning communities are front and center. In this edWeb podcast, leaders from Lexington School District Two in West Columbia, South Carolina share their approach to grounding the work of their professional learning communities with assessment data. Dr. Dixon Brooks, Chief Instructional Officer, Dr. Rob Burggraaf, Director of Instruction, and Jennifer Wise, Coordinator of Mathematics Instruction, share their approach to answering the four essential questions of instruction:

  • What do we expect students to learn? 
  • How will we know they’ve learned it? 
  • How will we respond when they don’t learn? 
  • How will we respond when they already know it? 

They address their data-driven instructional journey and the outcomes they’ve achieved and share their plans for the balance of this school year and the one ahead. Listen to this session, and you’ll leave with impactful ideas and perspectives about managing, supporting, and leveraging your assessment investments to drive results. 

This edWeb podcast is of interest to K-12 school and district leaders, teachers, librarians, directors of curriculum and instruction, directors of assessment, directors of school improvement, Title I directors, and department chairs in math, ELA, science, and social studies. 

Mastery Manager
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