The Content Management Bible Podcast
A reading, reflection, and commentary on Bob Boiko's book, "The Content Management Bible." Not affiliated or endorsed by Wiley Publishing. Please don't sue me.
7 episodes
Chapter 5: But What is Content, Really?
We tackle the final questions on our examination of content before we go deeper into content management as a discipline.
Season 1
Episode 7

Chapter 4: Functionality is Content, Too!
We're talking about what content DOES, in addition to what it IS. When you need your content to do things, how do you manage that functionality alongside everything else?
Season 1
Episode 6

Chapter 3: Content Has Structure
We're talking about content modeling, or consistently describing your content to provide future value. It can be very hard to do.
Season 1
Episode 5

Chapter 2: Content Has Format
A discussion of the ways content is formatted, and how this seems different to the consumer than it does to the manager.
Season 1
Episode 4

Chapter 1: Defining Data, Information, and Content
A deep and sometimes confusing discussion of the three concepts in the chapter title. Pour a fresh cup of coffee for this one.
Season 1
Episode 3