On the reg

White solidarity and the bullet journal

February 21, 2021 Thesiswhisperer Season 2 Episode 14

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Inger and Jason are now fully back at work. Jason is is relieved people have welcomed him back into his new/old job and got his boat license so he can cruise around Port Phillip Bay. Inger has re-activated her noodle-eating lunching coven, who are keen on her making good on her threat to write a series of Canberra based romance novels called the Professors In Love series.

Looks like it's going to be an interesting year.

It's Jason's turn to do a deep dive this week and he shares his deeply personal, but highly practical method of goal setting with his friend Shainal. He ties this method in with a description of how he's integrated the Bullet Journal method by Ryder Carroll. Inger is a bit skeptical the bullet journal thing is just a form of academic scrap booking, but he turns her around.

Inger has managed to make her Twitter feed less addictive by making it more boring and actually finished a couple of books. She talks about two in particular: White Fragility by Robyn DiAngelo and 'The Science of Storytelling' by Will Storr. She's also made it through the first chapter of a re-read of '7 habits of highly effective people' and finding her opinion about it being problematic to be correct. Jason is only reading the fun bits.

Jason's two minute tip will change your relationship with your smart watch, you know - if you have one.

Things we mentioned:
The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll
The science of story telling website
A review of White Fragility by Robyn DiAngelo

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Jason is having a break from the Socials, but you can still find Inger as @thesiswhisperer pretty much everywhere. You can read Inger's stuff on www.thesiswhisperer.com.

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