Conversations: Interpreting and Translating's Podcast

Season 2 Episode 10 - Ask NAATI July 2021, Part 1 - Certification Policy and Development Manager, Aurelie Sheehan and National Operations Manager, Michael Nemarich

July 29, 2021 Conversations: Interpreting and Translating

NAATI and All Graduates have collaborated in an initiative that aims to provide information to practitioners directly from a NAATI representative. Every quarter, a panel of NAATI managers will answer questions that Interpreters and Translators have sent through using an online form. 

Questions will be picked at random and directed at the panel by Fatih at the end of each quarter.

Guest Bio: 

Ask NAATI July 2021, features Certification Policy and Development Manager, Aurelie Sheehan and National Operations Manager, Michael Nemarich on the panel.

List of Questions for Part 1:

  • Are you recruiting Mandarin role players?
  • Does volunteer interpreting work count for work practice for recertification?
  • I have noticed that some places that offer PD don’t always offer certificates. Some places say that the registration email is proof, others send an email like "thank you for attending XYZ" and some send certificates of attendance. Why the inconsistencies between places for proof of PD? 
  • Due to illness have not been able to complete my professional development points but have been working online and need the work practice criteria, what do I need to do?
  • Please ask NAATI when our credentials will be recognised by ATA in the United States, by ITI in the United Kingdom, and by other authorities around the world? It's time for our credentials to be internationalised, especially considering the global nature of our profession.
  • Am I able to get an extension for PD criteria for recertification?

Your interest and support is greatly appreciated and we hope you will join us for our events throughout 2021 and onwards.

Don’t forget to visit our training website for more information and PD opportunities: