The Freeman Report

Prologue to Human Trafficking

J. Kenneth Freeman

On October 13th I interviewed Father Jeff Bayhi and Father Chuck Swanson on the topic of Human Trafficking.  Father Bayhi had even given a talk at the Vatican on this very subject.  During the first part of this three part series Father Bayhi had a coughing spell, some of which occurred when Father Swanson was speaking.  Because of the spell and not being able to edit out his coughing during Father Swanson's comments I felt the need to explain and ask you to bear with the Part One and then listen to Part Two and Part Three. Father Bayhi managed to find his cure and comes back strong in the final two episodes.  
I also felt the desire to explain why I am doing a podcast on human trafficking and what piqued my interest.  This a very sensitive subject and one that is going on all the time right in front of us.  Human traffickers don't differentiate demographically either.

Enjoy and once you have listened to the complete podcast I sincerely hope you find the need to contribute wherever you are and wherever you can be it Metanoia Manor or some other home for Human Traffic survivors.