My Big Gay Podcast

S1. Ep 12. Two Gays and the Cruising Expert (Part 1)

September 16, 2020 Call Me Jamezy Season 1 Episode 12

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Season 1: Episode 12 - Part One. This week the boys get into double the trouble with a special two-part episode! Benji and Brad chat to cruising entertainer and comedy host Call Me Jamezy about life onboard a cruise ship with no guests for the past five months. They also get all the goss on the best and worst cruise company to work for as well as what day-to-day life is like for a crew member on a ship. Plus find out who has the filthiest mind in a brand new game!

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Unknown Speaker :

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of my podcast with me Benji and me Brad giving you the life that loves and knows of living in London. One city What could possibly go

Unknown Speaker :

What is that noise? All will be revealed brand or will be revealed. How are you doing? Yeah, I'm more cushy mate are you? Oh Christie may I'm Kirsty and not too bad, not too bad.

Unknown Speaker :

So, before we crack on with the podcast, I feel like now's the time to reveal some very exciting news who Yes, I'm excited for this. Yes. Brad and I are very excited to announce that we have our very first sponsor of my Big Gay podcast, which is the spirit of Stonewall. Jen, I can't wait to be trying this gym. I mean a lunch in any way deny, oh my goodness, how many times I said I love Jane and how a new

Unknown Speaker :

Agenda try it. First. I'm very excited. I thought Christmas was gonna be cancelled. Exactly. This is absolutely perfect for us so excited and they have two different types of Jen. They've got London dry gin and they've got pink rhubarb. I cannot wait me neither. And the best thing about drinking spirit of Stonewall is that with each purchase a percentage goes to the Stonewall charity. Yes. And that of course if you are wondering is the Stonewall Riots charity that happened in Greenwich Village in New York back in 1969. So cannot wait to a be sponsored by a fantastic gin company, but also one that gives back to the community.

Unknown Speaker :

So what's coming up on this week's episode Benji? Well Brad, I'm very excited to announce that we have got a very, very hilarious guest coming on. I've been trying to get him on the podcast now for about three and a half months but he has been and get this he has been stuck onboard a cruise ship for just over five months floating and see Oh wow. I know. It is cool me. jmz live host entertaining.

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comedy extraordinary. Oh my god I love Corey James A No, he's absolutely hilarious if you haven't come across him hit like I said he got stuck on a cruise ship. He was working and then they were just drifting at sea this whole time during COVID and he decided to make videos to pass the time of what life was like upon a ship with no guests. If you haven't seen them, we'll tell you where you can go watch them and we'll be interviewing him live on the podcast and podcasters the moment you've all been waiting for. You get to find out this week what happened on Benji and Brad's first day

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and trust me you don't want to miss it. But GAVI.

Unknown Speaker :

Now I can't confirm no Pokemon were harmed on this date. Just my heart. Oh, here we go.

Unknown Speaker :

Jim, I've fallen back in love with this I cut off my diet which is this is a bit counterproductive. But anyway, guess what I put him back enough with

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maybe some sort of snack

Unknown Speaker :

Love me a snack. I'm going to say maybe not chocolate so the weather because I don't know about you. I hate you in chocolate when it's summertime it gets melted. Oh yeah, I just hate eating chocolate.

Unknown Speaker :

It's such a lie. He hides the tins of celebrations. This is big. Literally I'm not even joking in front of me on the wall is the outer cardboard packaging of a kilo gramme of Cadbury's chocolate. Yes, I saw that actually on your Instagram.

Unknown Speaker :

I sent it to me. She's an absolute babe. Yeah, it has all gone I even put it in the freezer to freeze the chocolate so I can eat it very quickly. Did you still demolish it pretty fast? I think I the whole thing and like, seven days. Okay, that's not too bad. I thought you was gonna say something worse. Because you know how much I love to judge you on your snacks. You judge me so much.

Unknown Speaker :

Remember when we was in Waitrose once? And you've got loads of gingerbread man. Right, hold up, hold up, hold up, hold up. Could you please define loads there was like a bag full and I was like Benji, you don't need that managed.

Unknown Speaker :

First of all, all you are enough to give me some sort of, you know, worry and be very careful like is it was that second of all when you say gingerbread man, people are gonna think it's like a full on eight inch gingerbread man who doesn't want an eight inch

Unknown Speaker :

but it wasn't it was the mini ones and I think it was like, I think I bought five might have been six Yay. Loads plan a mini ones smaller than my finger if it's smaller than your finger. We all know it doesn't count. It doesn't count. They don't count. So yeah, and I maybe over like, a four hour period. Yeah, plan a that was way too much. For goodness sake, get

Unknown Speaker :

get a rat. I'm always gonna remind you about gingerbread man story. Yeah, well, you don't need you because I talked to my therapist about it.

Unknown Speaker :

Right so snacks

Unknown Speaker :

So you've emitted up in a kilogramme of Cadbury's dairy milk over the last week in seven days, which I froze to try and slow me down and although it didn't slow me down that much, and now I also don't have any moles, but yes.

Unknown Speaker :

So chocolate crisps, crisps, yeah, there's I have these to have a slogan actually, which was once you pop, you just can't stop. Get out. Pringles. Pringles and you know what's really weird about them? The ones that they're not actually my favourite flavour, but I hate this one, because that's the only vegan flavour generic one is. Um, no actually don't vary so weird. What I actually don't eat that because I feel like ready salted crisps are like the most sinful snack you can eat. I just don't see the point if I'm quite honest, just like eat a raw potato.

Unknown Speaker :

No, Texas barbecue. They're vegan. They are. You wouldn't think it but Texas barbecue along with this whole quarantine period for me has been totally meat free. When was the last time you had sex? Um,

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, so two Saturdays ago? It will have been six months. Oh my god. Yeah, you've been serious. It might actually be longer than that. I'll be honest I actually don't remember. You are drier than the Sahara Desert right now. There's like cobwebs everywhere. Yeah. Echo Echo

Unknown Speaker :

Have you seen a scary movie when he pulls down their pants like a big bush comes out and like bats fly out. That's gonna be okay that is not me. Yeah, but my my love life is a hollow cave Really?

Unknown Speaker :

Has Been a while.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, brilliant.

Unknown Speaker :

On the podcast.

Unknown Speaker :

Is it time Benji? It is absolutely time and you're alive. I know what time is. It's time to introduce call me James. The onto the podcast.

Unknown Speaker :

Hey girls hey

Unknown Speaker :

how you doing Daisy? Oh my god i don't think i've been this excited since Herbal Essence released a new shampoo for you girl.

Unknown Speaker :

So we did mention you earlier in the podcast but just let the podcast know little bit about you. Okay, well Hi I'm James Lee I'm an Aquarius I'm single.

Unknown Speaker :

Where the James he said an Aquarius because obviously the star signs changed quite recently. Oh, don't I just I don't really understand like, the whole the whole world just going crazy at the moment and how can we just suddenly make a new star signs I will be an Aquarius forever. I'm not going anywhere. Totally agree. Anyway. Sorry. Carry on. I interrupted. Yes. I'm James Lee. I am a comedy host, an entertainer on a cruise ship. So I host game shows trivias I introduce a comedy act on so I get the crowd warmed up and I'm the person who make sure everybody's having a good time. So that's what I'm about fun.

Unknown Speaker :

Fabulous and extra sass we came across your Instagram and saw your videos that you had on oh and do you know what you have no idea how much that makes my heart happy cuz I am a huge fan of my Big Gay podcast and

Unknown Speaker :

to Brad and Benji right now like I have a have a double BJ

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my day is complete. Oh my goodness. No Yeah, we found your videos a little while back actually and they were I mean I was gonna say they were hilarious but obviously I feel for you because you must have had a really rough time to fill everyone in like you outwork and and forgive me if I'm wrong, like correct me. You were working at the time when COVID hit and then obviously it closed down in the world It seems including the cruise ships. And then you were just drifting in a ship. Is that right with no get guests for like five and a half months? Yes, that's right. Five and a half months.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, without passengers like

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I would describe the experience the same way I would describe my last relationship long, painful and unnecessary.

Unknown Speaker :

You don't understand people keep saying like, oh, it'd be amazing to I'd love to be stuck on a cruise ship, especially in these crazy times. And yes, it did have its benefits. But after five and a half months, it got boring. It got monotonous like it was draining on my mental health.

Unknown Speaker :

And when you're surrounded by all these fun amenities, and but you can't actually use them, it's almost like a very, very bad like tease, you know? Yeah. So what were your days like on the cruise ship in quarantine in lockdown? Well, at the beginning, it was a great experience, you know, because no one realised how serious Corona was going to be. Yeah. So when they said, you know, everyone's got to go in their homes, like you know, the cruise ship industry had to basically kick off all their passengers. So, US crew stayed on, and we got to live life.

Unknown Speaker :

Like a guest. Wow, nice. Yeah. Like I hosted events for crew like we continued our normal jobs. Usually I work 10 to 12 hours a day. So it went down to like two hours. Wow, it was amazing. Yeah, we got to some Dave. We got to get used to swimming pools like it was like we were guests on a cruise ship. But then after like a week, it got really serious. And then we had to self quarantine and our cabins for two weeks. So for two weeks, we were stuck inside our cabins. I didn't have a balcony. And we had no access to fresh air. Oh my goodness. Yeah. And they brought Mills to us three times a day. It was like a very, very fancy prison. And if I'm being honest.

Unknown Speaker :

Yeah, to be honest, that's a bit when I first started to feel a bit claustrophobic when watching your videos because you had been saying that Yeah, you weren't allowed out your cabin. And then this is before I don't have too much work so I won't be able to go watch your videos, but it's before they moved you and you weren't allowed out. Although you can

Unknown Speaker :

Now it's like an hour a day. Is that right? Was that quite into the process? Yeah, only towards the end and the last couple of days they would let you out for an hour a day. Yeah, like you're our prison break. What was your go to thing to do? Like what? What was keeping you sane? Actually, it was during those Instagram videos, funnily enough, because I had like a fan base from my guests. And there are so many people who had to miss out on their cruise and they were just curious what was going on? Yeah, you know, cruise ship life. So I thought, you know, when is this gonna ever happen in the world again? Hopefully never.

Unknown Speaker :

That's when you created this. So call me James E.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, my God, you like me? You're really really like me.

Unknown Speaker :

I really like your jingle that I mean, and now focus is will realise that that's what the song I was playing earlier was, you know, the intro to it, but it's just catchy. So call me James II.

Unknown Speaker :

Well, if there's anything you need to know about me, it's that subtlety. Never do

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It looked good on me. So

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when I started working on cruise ships, like obviously, being a host, there's a lot of competition and everybody wants to shine on stage. And you know, everyone wants to stand out. But I like just to go that little bit extra. So I had these jingles made, you know, songs that already exist in songs, but just put my name in there. So I use them as my intro when I come on stage on the ship. So yeah, and even people seen people's reactions, or they hear for the first time and they hear my name and yeah, so I started using that may Instagram as well. And then I just, yeah, I literally just did like a little blog, just a little comedy videos of how my day was going. And that was kind of keeping me sane, being stuck in my cabin for so long. So where in the world were you when that happened? I was in the Caribbean Sea, just docked outside. Barbados, has, you

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know, oh my god, it could have been like Florida.

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Somewhere seriously, but Barbados is such a jerk.

Unknown Speaker :

But yeah, but this is what I mean, when you say that people think you're stuck on the ship, you're having lobster dinners every night. And you're like, going on water slides. And but it wasn't like that, like, towards the end, I would wake up with no purpose. And it got so monotonous because you were only allowed three meals a day. And each meal was only open for an hour and a half. Wow, it's really intense. Yeah. And there was no access to any food or Tinos hours. So if you didn't get up at 7:30am to get your breakfast, you wouldn't eat until like the next lunchtime. And like coffee wasn't available all the time either. Only 9am to 11am. So yeah, if you if you lied in like yeah, you could have got like what I mean, that's like, I feel like that's worse than being in prison. At least importantly, you can go outside and prison I mean, so

Unknown Speaker :

So I've heard I haven't been to jail.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, Benji, I knew you were a bad boy.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm going back to what you were saying before about being a bit loud. And I want to talk about your wardrobe. Like those videos when you say you want to stand out my goodness, and like you bring out a jacket and I'm like, Wow, that's a really like amazing jacket. Yes, that will grab people's eyes and like I've got the matching t shirt pants. JOHN strap shoes. It's like the law also you notice the jock strap Did you bench

Unknown Speaker :

You can't miss them. I swear whatever said they're like hung up everywhere or you go through them all. I mean, I like to be a bit cheeky, a bit naughty. It's because you're very limited on what you can do on cruise ships because I work for an American audience. And as we know, some people in certain parts of America get offended by absolutely every setting. So my videos were like a great way to kind of question

Unknown Speaker :

myself so yes, I got to use a lot of my wardrobe like I've seen a host that have a lot of show jackets, a lot of sequins, a lot of glitter. Like to get them out when I can, you know. And so now you're not on the ship anymore. Are you? You're back in London. Yes, I am back in the real world and boys. Let me tell you it is hard, like really hard like, trying to get Lindsay Lohan to stay in rehab hard like

Unknown Speaker :

you leave Lindsay alone as redheads must stick together and all that. I'll say Benji, you're the ginger one then. Well, strawberry blonde. surburban strawberry blonde. Well, I do like my men like I like my fruit. Sweet and cedar.

Unknown Speaker :

James Yeah, have you got a thing for gingers? Yeah, I am quite hot for redheads I can't lie. So when I because your logo, obviously one of us got red hair. He's got brown hair. So I always did wonder which one was which. So Benji, Benji is the fiery one.

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Unknown Speaker :

I feel like it's any keeping if I use this, so call me James he

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call me.

Unknown Speaker :

So what other things do you do on the cruise? What's your day to day cruise life? Well, on a normal day, whatever that is now, during the daytime, I would host like daytime activities. So it would be like bingo or like trivia, or like to kind of game show. And then in the evening is like when everything comes alive. So I'd host like a big game show that gets like the whole audience involved or I would do like a little comedy act before the headliner would come on the stage. And so loads of like loads of different fun things. Have you ever been and Brad can probably relate to this. Have you ever been having

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so rude. My I've never been heckled and because what cruises like to do is they like to do like Heckle you behind your back.

Unknown Speaker :

Which is decent, I guess. I mean, I suppose it'd be worth it to my face. At least they do it behind my back. I do. I've worked for so many different cruise companies and some are more serious than others, like more stricter numbers, I should say. And I do get a lot of backlash for being so openly gay actually, believe it or not. You think they'd love that on a cruise? Yeah, I know. I really and like it's the 21st century. But again, with an American audience, if they're from certain parts, like, you know, the deep south, they're still not very open to, to anything that's different. And you know, and they're like, deathly afraid of people when they're being themselves. And the thing is my whole like persona, and mantra is just kind of

Unknown Speaker :

Be yourself embrace what makes you different, you know, just be accepting of everyone. And it's not like I go on stage and like, rub my sexuality in people's faces, but I am me. You know, my sexuality is just obvious when you see me. I think James that's what actually drew me to your videos. I mean really honest with you. I'm not just saying this because you're on the podcast. I think you're so unapologetically yourself. I think that's really like appealing to a lot of people and people enjoy seeing that whether they're gay or not. I think someone who is just like comfortable in your own skin It seems I think that's really empowering for a lot of people that watch you I agree, you just just come across so fun and free. Thank you and that's exactly what I try to portray. But and the thing is I most of my managers like like what I do, and I always get positive like comments from the guests, but when you get one negative, they will openly like sleep me for my sexuality, and then I would get in trouble for it. Which would which makes no sense because every

Unknown Speaker :

You think I had done beforehand never was an issue but it's until one person complains. Again, the cruise industry is still a bit backwards when it comes to those kinds of topics. So how long have you been cruising for? Oh, Brad, we just met at least by grill a drink first.

Unknown Speaker :

I've been crazy for roughly 10 years on and off. 10 years. Wow. I know saying it out loud. Now I just think oh my god.

Unknown Speaker :

And without giving anything away too much what has been the best cruise company to work for? Or the worst? Oh my god.

Unknown Speaker :

The Goss. I know time to spill the tea again. I'm the best one. Okay, I've worked for about four cruise companies. Mm hmm. The best one, let's just say it would be a cruise company. Fit for royalty.

Unknown Speaker :

Got it. I think they're probably the most advanced company I work for in terms of kind of social progression, like staff are allowed tattoos like piercings like facial hair, which is the only cruise company I've worked for that actually allow that condition, shockingly enough.

Unknown Speaker :

And the worst one, this is what we want to know. Yeah, the worst one. People always shocked when I give them this answer, but I'm a very honest person. The worst one would definitely have to be, let's just say it was a very magical cruise company.

Unknown Speaker :

And don't get me wrong. It is extremely magical. If you are a guest. If you are a crew member, however, it's like riding a bike, except the bikes on fire and you're on fire

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and you're in hell.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, wow, that's really insightful. Yeah. When I was telling you about all the complaints I would get about my sexuality. That is where they came from. Yeah, really? Yes. It's pretty much the motto like the motto is you can achieve your dreams be yourself as long as yourself conforms to our version of modern day American society.

Unknown Speaker :

conform to the mouse. A mouse I don't know what you're talking about. Get to work slave.

Unknown Speaker :

You said

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oh my god, you boys are gonna get me fired

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from the job that I currently don't have.

Unknown Speaker :

Oh, God, you boys so much fun. This is so much better than being stuck in quarantine.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, so James earlier on in the podcast you said that within your job within the cruise industry as well you like to play games with your own

Unknown Speaker :

Audience Oh, I love playing games, Benji. Well, there we go. So Brad, and I like to play games too, as I'm sure you will have heard from listening to our podcast. So we wondered if you would like to play a game with us. Oh my god, Benji, I thought you would never ask.

Unknown Speaker :

I had something else in mind. I actually want to play a game with you boys.

Unknown Speaker :

It's been a while since I got to play with two boys. So I want to do one of my cruise ship games. Have you on the podcast? Yeah, that sounds like I've got a little game for you called Phil feet mines. How you boys that riddles? I'm gonna read it. I'm not too bad. How about I pick you up against each other with some riddles? And to make things more interesting? How about if I send you both some personal questions that you have to answer, and every time we get one wrong, I reveal the answer to your podcasters

Unknown Speaker :

Are you up for the challenge boys? I'm so up for this. You know what I'm so up for it only because I think I'll get more right and I want that secrets to be revealed on the podcast. So sure so okay, should we take a quick second you send us some questions, we answer them and then we'll come back and play the game. Yes. Oh my god. This is more exciting than a Christmas Costa Coffee bad.

Unknown Speaker :

So let's take a really quick break and we'll be back any second.

Unknown Speaker :

I just missed you. This is crazy. But here's my number. So call me James. He is right at you, baby.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

Okay, boys, are you ready to play feel free minds. So ready? I will alternate between you boys. You'll have one chance to answer if you get an incorrect I'll ask the other person. But remember if you get it wrong, I reveal your secret

Unknown Speaker :

question to the audience.

Unknown Speaker :

Just before we start, Brad, did you answer these like, truthfully these questions? I actually did? Yeah, did you? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I didn't

Unknown Speaker :

know you should pay. I've read the answers. And all I can say is I hope you get every single question wrong.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, just to get us warmed up because you know, we like to do a bit of foreplay before the main event and let's have a practice. Okay, so even if you can shout out if you think you know the answer to this. You play with me at night before going to sleep. You can't get caught fiddling with me at work. You only let a few people touch me. What am I? Oh, me, me, me. Me. Me. Benji. Benji is a play with yourself. That is absolutely wrong.

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

The boy

Unknown Speaker :

Benji, you are bad boy go to my room.

Unknown Speaker :

is a mobile phone

Unknown Speaker :

just as well as a practice? Yeah, right.

Unknown Speaker :

Okay, it's time to play for real now. Filthy minds. Question number one. Benji, I'll come to you first just because your name come us alphabetically. Oh my gosh. Okay, I really hope you get it wrong. Benji, I start with a V. And every woman has one. She can even use it to get what she wants. What is it? Oh my god.

Unknown Speaker :

I'm gonna go for a Oh, I have like a bad answer and a good answer and it could be either one of them.

Unknown Speaker :

You saw how the example went. So yeah, it didn't go well did it? So I'm gonna go for the clever answer, I think. What's the clever answer? I'm gonna say, a visa. visa is wrong.

Unknown Speaker :

Every woman has a visa of God. And I say my answer what do you think it is bad? Well, I put a Venus razor. I'm your Venus. I'm gonna that's worse than my answer. I'll be honest. No, everyone has one. They use it to get what they want. nerdery during my 12 year old niece does not have one. This really is a big gay podcast, isn't it?

Unknown Speaker :


Unknown Speaker :

That is not my desire bride. I'm sorry.

Unknown Speaker :

Your boys are gonna kick yourselves up. Clearly. I am talking about a voice

Unknown Speaker :

in here rulebook, the lectern, did not have a voice. She had it. She gave it away that little slot and

Unknown Speaker :

What about what about like meats? Oh, god fried. How'd you pop with this one? I know. It's hard work.

Unknown Speaker :

Listen, I understand we're living in a world where we have to be politically correct. And watch what we say and accept everybody that come on.

Unknown Speaker :

So what's the forfeit? That means Benji, I reveal your first answer. My question I asked Benji was how many partners? Have you had sex waves?

Unknown Speaker :

described? I'm gonna say like, 7575. But do you know what you may actually be correct? Because he said,

Unknown Speaker :

No, he know what that sound means. That's all we have time for this week. I really mess in, head on over to part two where all will be revealed. See you in part two.

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