Tell Me About Your Kids

Puzzle Pieces #7: Finding The Delicate Balance Of Your Parent Authority

June 17, 2021 Bonnie Harris Episode 47

Your kids need you to be in charge. They also don’t like to be told what to do. How do you find the right balance between the two? When do you push and when do you pull back? There-in lies the challenge of parenting. But when you understand what you can appropriately expect, finding that balance gets easier.

These once in a while episodes are concepts Bonnie has developed over the years that she discusses and ponders with her producer, Adam. They are critical pieces needed to fit together to form the big picture of a connected family. It’s when some of these pieces are missing that parents feel the most frustrated and drained in their attempts at controlling their children. Finding their places in the puzzle can be life changing.

Bonnie Harris, MS.Ed., director of Connective Parenting, 30+ years of coaching, teaching, and writing for parents. 



Books: When Your Kids Push Your Buttons (workbook available)

            Confident Parents, Remarkable Kids: 

            8 Principles for Raising Kids You’ll Love to Live With 

Audio Books

The Buttons Audio Course 


All books and audiobooks can be purchased here:

Produced, mixed, and scored by Echo Finch