Tell Me About Your Kids

“Parenting him is like a full-time job”

Bonnie Harris Episode 49

Among Willa’s “lots of kids”, her thirteen-year-old son, Dennis, is her biggest challenge. With an ADD personality and a brain going in all directions, this dysregulated teen looking for independence appears only to attract trouble. Being the “odd-one out” in his family, Dennis feels alone. The result is that Willa, a normally calm, caring mom, has ended this covid academic year exhausted and exacerbated. Structure proved to be what Dennis needed to succeed in school but now the summer is here and already chaos has reigned.

Bonnie Harris, MS.Ed., director of Connective Parenting, 30+ years of coaching, teaching, and writing for parents. 



Books: When Your Kids Push Your Buttons (workbook available)

            Confident Parents, Remarkable Kids: 

            8 Principles for Raising Kids You’ll Love to Live With 

Audio Books

The Buttons Audio Course 


All books and audiobooks can be purchased here:

Produced, mixed, and scored by Echo Finch