Building Your Empire With SophieZo

Ep148: Turning a Setback into a Step Up!

Sophie Zollmann Season 3 Episode 44

Remember that awesome idea you had for your business? That new product, service, or marketing campaign that you couldn’t wait to roll out because you knew it was going to be a HUGE success??

What happens when your next big thing turns out to be a big, fat flop?

Mistakes are inevitable and even the most successful business owners encounter some serious stumbling blocks on their way to the top. I’ve faced my share of setbacks, and they’ve been the learning experiences that I needed to revise and refine my business to reach that next level of success!

I want to show you how to turn your setbacks into step ups for your business, so in this episode I’m sharing tips on:

  • Giving yourself grace when you fall flat on your face
  • Having the courage to get up, dust yourself off, and try again
  • Learning from your mistakes so you don’t keep making the same ones over and over
  • Using your tracking tools to tweak your strategies for maximum success
  • Remembering that a flop doesn’t define you OR your business

Listen now, and if you want to know more about the all-in-one team support that can build the strategies and systems that take your business to the top, let’s talk

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