the Healers Rising Podcast

Finding Motivation to Build Your Spiritual Business with James Wedmore

Caitlin Dianna | Magic Beyond Boundaries Season 3 Episode 47

If you don't know James Wedmore, you absolutely should. He's a self-proclaimed spiritual seeker AND a successful business owner, helping entrepreneurs clarify their business offerings and streamline their processes for the last 15+ years, so they can step out of overwhelm and into abundance and freedom in their lives. And he's built an 8-figure company in the process.

Today's conversation is a major dream come true for me.

Going through his program Business By Design helped me to completely change the game in my own company so I could stop working 10+ hour days, 6 days a week and bust through my own money blocks to hit my first million dollar year in 2021. And this year we doubled that.

He truly walks his talk, and I'm so thrilled to be able to chat with him today about where spirituality and business intersect and how to rise above the overwhelm as you are moving forward building a business as a spiritual being.

In today's episode we're talking:

- finding motivation and how the ego gets in the way of your progress

- why so many healers and coaches get hit with imposter syndrome, self-sabotage, and failures AND the simple mindset shifts that will help you overcome that

- how utilizing Universal Laws and structure can create freedom for you in your business

with James Wedmore starts June 2, 2022! Click here to sign up!

Here's how you can connect with James Wedmore: