the Healers Rising Podcast

The 21st Dimension of Refraction (and how the Teal Swan documentary is illuminating it)

August 05, 2022 Caitlin Dianna | Magic Beyond Boundaries Season 3 Episode 48

You've likely heard about the Teal Swan documentary that came out early in 2022 and the drama playing out from its release. Maybe you were even personally affected by that situation.

It's a perfect example of the 21st Dimension at play.

There's a mass level awareness and unfoldment of a particular cord and contract humans have been playing out for as long as we've been walking this planet with the people who we perceive to be our mentors, teachers, healers... even parents and government leaders. Basically anyone seen to be in a position of leadership and perceived to have a level of power, influence and access to information that the rest of us don't.

I'm making this really personal today, because did you know there is also an entire 12-part series about how terrible of a person I am on TikTok?

I'm sharing candidly about what happened between me and this person, why they're pissed at me, and the energetic construction of the cord and contract they're playing out.

In today's Conversation in Consciousness, we're unpacking:

  • What the 21st Dimension is and the construction of this particular cord and contract
  • How this cord and contract is playing out in the various relationships we have and keeping us locked into the old earth paradigm
  • How this situation is playing out using Teal's and our own examples
  • What is potentially on the other side for us in humanity once we can see this cord and contract for what it is
  • And I walk you through the step-by-step process to actually release this from your own field

This false Archetypal Assignment is prolific, and it can't continue into the new Earth blueprint. It's a life lesson millennia in the making for us as a species.
This workshop is for you if you're working on your healing journey, have been locked into an illness/ trauma/ stuck pattern and know your rise is just around the corner.
September 2022 - get on the waitlist: