the Healers Rising Podcast

5 Reasons You Aren't Healing

February 04, 2021 Caitlin Dianna | Magic Beyond Boundaries Season 1 Episode 14

You're doing everything right: meditating, using affirmations, practicing gratitude, doing the love & light thing, and you've been to a kajillion energy healers and yet life is still the sh*ts?!

Or perhaps you get mild improvements and then everything landslides? You think you've nipped that karma in the bud for good and then it shows back up with a vengeance. It's like you're stuck on a hamster wheel you just can't shake.

Why does this happen? If everything is just energy, why is it so hard to heal?

After working with over 3,000 individuals over the past 4 years of this work, I've noticed some pretty significant patterns to the people who complete their healing work and leap forward, and those who just... well... they don't.

Today I'm sharing the top 5 ways we hold ourselves back from true and lasting healing.

You can watch the video version of this conversation on my YouTube channel here!

And if you'd love access to some of the tools mentioned in this video, they are free inside 'The Starseed Accelerator':