the Healers Rising Podcast

Hunger Games 2021 with Caitlin & Colbe

June 10, 2021 Caitlin Dianna | Magic Beyond Boundaries Season 1 Episode 23

Our resident Astrologer, Colbe from Sloth Soul Astrology, joins me once again to dissect the happenings in the sky and how they're affecting us all down here on planet Earthand how that's lining up with the transmissions I've been getting through the Interstellium Alliance.

This astrological update took place on May 16, 2021 inside the Healers Rising Academy. Now that we're fully immersed in what I'm lovingly calling "Hunger Games 2021", the predictions and advice we both share back then seem so relevant for all of us.

We are at the beginning of an ending cycle. And we will be wading through the muck of it until about fall equinox (September 21).

But it's not all doom and gloom. There is a light aspect to all of this chaos, and we have a huge opportunity during this time to align with our purpose, as long as we can stay on track and in our integrity.

Colbe breaks it down so clearly the energy at play and how we can come out the other side in our power, relatively unscathed.

If you want to watch the video of our conversation, head over to Youtube!