the Healers Rising Podcast

How Being in Survival Mode Affects Your Intuition

August 10, 2021 Caitlin Dianna | Magic Beyond Boundaries Episode 30

A lot of us when we're trying to do big things, when we want to access more of who we are, our mission, the abundance we want to create, the life purpose we want to live, stronger psychic abilities and operating at our highest potential, we find ourselves fighting an uphill battle and feeling like we're getting no where.

One of the first things we need to look at is our environment and the relationships we're in. Do you feel safe here? Is this a space where you can be nurtured into that growth and productivity zone, or are you in survival mode?

How can we be expected to thrive in that state?

Today we're talking about what happens to our intuition and our soul growth when we're in a state of fearing for our safety. And Caitlin shares about an epic channeling session she had last week with goddess Pele on how natural disasters are playing a role in the future timeline.

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