the Healers Rising Podcast

Chakras Explained: What Nobody's Told You

Caitlin Dianna | Magic Beyond Boundaries Season 2 Episode 32

How many chakra balancing meditations and rituals have you done? And how many of them actually made you feel better, clearer, more able to take on your day and move on from what's been holding you back?

Some may have given you temporary relief, but it likely didn't last.

Why? If all we need to do is balance or clear our chakras, why isn't it working when we do the healing meditations, use the crystals, and run Reiki?

Because we can't leave science behind when we're talking energy and spirituality. You've been missing some major information about what chakras are and how they work in the body that almost no one is talking about.

Today's episode is taken from a Masterclass I delivered at the February 2021 Starseed Accelerator workshop where I explain the 12 dimensional lenses in the human body.

 To watch the video version of this masterclass, head over to Youtube!

Let me know how this landed for you and what you are taking forward. And of course, if you have an idea for a future episode, send me a note: