Live By Design Podcast | Ditch Overwhelm, Take Imperfect Action, & Pursue Your Goals With Confidence

How Creativity Led to Discovering His "Why" and a Deeper Level of Self-Acceptance with Nick Cruz Velleman

November 15, 2021 Kate House Season 2 Episode 68

Many of us strive to find something that lights us up inside, that makes us feel alive, and that creates peace and joy in our lives. 

Today’s podcast guest, Nick Cruz Velleman, has discovered how creativity brings him to life, and on the podcast he shares with us: 

  • How art brings all of his energy and attention into the present moment
  • How he uses creativity to center himself
  • How you can access creative mindfulness within yourself
  • And the reminder to discover and return to your why when things get tough

And you don’t want to miss when I ask Nick where he sees himself in 10 years. I’ll give you a hint! Listen in as Nick shares how he hopes to use the power of art to teach non-judgement, self-acceptance, and acceptance to society as a whole. How powerful is that?!

So friends, pop in your earbuds and settle in as Nick and I talk about the power of art, the importance of uncovering your “why,” and how he pursues non-judgement and self-acceptance through the practice of mindful creativity.

** Don’t forget to leave your 5 Star review and a few sentences about what your favorite take away from the podcast has been, and if your review is picked as a future Apple Podcast Review of the Week, then your next cup of coffee is on me!

Resources :
Show Notes | Subscribe to Kate’s Weekly Love Letter | Goal Setting Masterclass | Follow along on Instagram @livebydesignpodcast | Health Coaching with Kate | Schedule Your Discovery Call | If These Wings Could Fly Book

Health Coaching with Kate: And if you are feeling like health coaching might be the right fit for you, I’d love to schedule a free Discovery Call with you to see if we’d work well in a coaching relationship! You can learn more about my


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Ready to ditch the overwhelm and create a life that truly lights you up? ✨

Join the FREE Goals with Soul Summit, starting July 22nd, and discover how to:

  • Stop overthinking and start taking inspired action
  • Release perfectionism and embrace the messy beauty of growth
  • Ditch the overwhelm and create a sustainable path towards your dreams
  • Implement small, soulful habits that bring you joy and results
  • Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance and possibility

Imagine feeling empowered, focused, and excited about your future. Imagine waking up each day with a clear vision and a plan to make your dreams a reality!

That's what the Goals with Soul Summit is all about. And it's waiting for you, friend!

Grab your free ticket today to reserve your spot and join a community of incredible women who are ready to make this year their best one yet!

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