Hope from the Front Lines
Hope from the Front Lines peeks beyond the headlines finding stories of struggle, passion, and strength from essential caregivers of color doing the heavy lift - protecting Chicago’s most vulnerable during this COVID-19 pandemic. The series is produced by Juneteenth Productions with funding support from the McCormick Foundation.
Podcasting since 2020 • 18 episodes
Hope from the Front Lines
Latest Episodes
"Daycare Double Bind" reported by Judith McCray
Nine months into the Coronavirus pandemic, childcare providers are doing double and triple duty supervising school aged kids with remote learning for much of each day, while doing their regular duties caring for the children of working parents....
Season 1
Episode 17

"Surviving Covid" reported by Bia Medious
Healthcare workers in homes face increased exposure risk to Covid-19, just like traditional front line workers. So why are employers using loopholes in the law to avoid paying some essential workers sick leave? The Families First Coronavirus Re...
Season 1
Episode 16

"Breaking Point" reported by Maurice Bisaillon
Throughout Chicagoland and across the country nursing homes continue to bear the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic. For the past 11 months the linoleum tiled hallways of these facilities have carried not only orderlies, gurneys, and resident...
Season 1
Episode 15

"Enough Is Enough" reported by Judith McCray
Five months after George Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer, the struggle for justice and equality for African Americans continues in peoples’ hearts and minds, if not still in the streets. Many Black Americans are encouraged that...
Season 1
Episode 14

"Esperanza en Practica" reportado en Ariel Mejia
Lakesia Collins es una CNA decidida a cambiar la narrativa. Trabajando en múltiples trabajos de cuidadora mientras criaba niños, tuvo que declararse en bancarrota porque su hogar de ancianos pagaba salarios de pobreza. Convirtiéndose en organiz...
Season 1
Episode 13