Pursue Him

Devil is After Your Secret Place

February 20, 2022 Derrick & Kim Dsouza Season 3 Episode 43

Who we give our secret time consistently to, becomes the “god” of our secret place. Who does your secret place belong to ? Today Pastor Kim D'souza reveals the devils agenda and shares an important principle about our secret place. 

The devil has only one agenda for your life – to steal, kill and destroy. He was publicly shamed by Jesus and has lost every battle with God’s children.

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, Jesus made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross (Colossians 2:15).

And, that’s why his motive is to publicly shame the children of God. But because he is completely incapable of doing it, he tricks you into it.

Want to know how?

Well… He attacks your secret place.

So, what’s a secret place?

A secret place is your “Your time alone.”

Everybody has a secret place.

Now, the question is, what do you end up doing consistently when no one is watching and you are all alone by yourself? Scrolling through your social media? Watching images that you shouldn’t be watching? Indulging in habits that harm your body?

Remember who we give your secret time consistently to becomes the “god” of our secret place.

Here’s how the devil schemes to shame you

The Bible says in Luke 8:17, For all that is secret will eventually be brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and made known to all.

There is an important principle here – Who you are in public, is a result of your secret place.

In other words what you do in your private life consistently is what will overflow into your public place. The fruits of what you sow in your secret will sooner or later show up in the public. What habits you build when no one is watching is the “real you” people will end up seeing.

Don’t give your secret place to the devil

The devil is happy as long as you are “alone” so he can fill your mind with the filth of the world and bring thoughts to you that tell you that you are not good enough, capable enough and loved enough.

But he is mortally scared when you are “alone with God”. Because that’s when you start becoming like Jesus and reflecting Him through your life. In intimacy is where things are birthed and in intimacy with the Holy Spirit is where God starts birthing His dreams and desires in the inside of you.

When Jacob was left alone with God, he became Israel. When Daniel was alone with God, mysteries of heaven were revealed to him. When John was alone with God on the island of Patmos, he received revelation into what is to come. When Mary was alone with God, an angel appeared and gave her the good news of the Messiah that would be birthed through her.

How about giving the keys of your secret place to God?

How about using your secret place to fellowship with God? While everyone was busy doing wrong things in the secret, little boy Samuel gave his time to be with God, and the overflow of that was later seen in the public. The Bible says: Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. (1 Samuel 3:19)

Just as the devil intends to shame you publicly, God wants to reward you publicly. He is in your secret place and waits for you to invite Him into fellowshipping with you.

But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly
(Matthew 6:6).

Don’t ignore your Father today. Don’t keep Him waiting. Give Him your Secret place.