Pursue Him
Pursue Him podcast is the audio platform of Pursue Him International that will inspire and encourage you to pursue Jesus like never before. On our podcast we focus on 5 main categories: Christian Walk, Leadership, Marriage, Media and Parenting. Our episodes are in the form of Audio Blogs presented by our host, and also personally recorded messages by Pastors Derrick & Kim.
221 episodes
5 Keys To Protect The Presence
We live in the goodness of God daily. Do you know the presence of God is for every Christian that is born again. The presence of God not only protects us from the plans of the enemy but also guides us in fulfilling His purpose for our lives.
Season 5
Episode 3

आलसी दास!
आज के पॉडकास्ट में पास्टर डेरिक डिसूजा हम को सिखाते है की येशुआ के आने से पहले हमको किस प्रकार से हमरा जीवन जीना ह। येशु ने हर किसी को प्रतिभा दी है, क्या हम इस प्रतिभा को एक भरोसे के लायक दास जैसे बढ़ा रहे हैं या एक आलसी दास जैसे वो ...
Season 5
Episode 2

Have you seen the New Preacher?
God believes that every believer filled with HIS HOLY SPIRIT is SENT to impact their generation.Do you feel unprepared, shy, timid, unworthy or lack eloquence to be a light in this dark world.?_This podcast by Pastor Derrick D...
Season 5
Episode 1

The principle of Little by Little
Don't wait for the time when you have much, it is the little also that God can use. He who is faithful in what is least, is faithful also in much. Today learn the principle of little by little from Ps. Derrick Dsouza if you d...
Season 4
Episode 21

Words The Building Blocks Of Our Life
God used words to form the universe, bless and give us life. We are all products of the words spoken over us, the enemy the master imitator uses the same formula to curse and bring death. He uses people to release words to bring destruction, an...
Season 4
Episode 20

The Secret to Multiplication in Your Life
Want to know the secret to multiplication in your life. Listen to thesee five steps you need to apply to your life to see the hand of God move supernaturally and multiply what you have. <...
Season 4
Episode 19

The Key to Birthing God’s Promise
It is important that you speak the Word that God speaks to you sothat it becomes YOUR WORD. This season, don't back down,don't compromise, don't give in. Hold on to the promise that God has given, and you will see the victory!
Season 4
Episode 18

5 Ways to Move From Unbelief to Faith
Most Christians get robbed of their blessings because they move by feelings. It's time we start moving in faith instead of agreeing with "Mr Feelings". Here are 5 ways you can move into faith:
Season 4
Episode 17

The Secret to Prosperity
Have you been living in adversity? You receive the grace to survive the day, but not able to multiply your resources. You can be in the wilderness for 40 years, or reach your promise land in 11 days. Child of God you have the source of living w...
Season 4
Episode 16

Handling the Presence of God
After being restored, God has made us His Ark, but we need to learn how to handle His presence with care! Lavished by His blessings, gifts & talents, we have a call on our life. Learn from the Man of God as he brings practical ways of being...
Season 4
Episode 15

How to attract specific prophesies over your life.
Do you know that there are ways in which you can attract specific prophesies over your life? You can do certain things and catch God’s attention!! Learn these 4 power packed principles from the life of Abraham. Word by Pastor Kim D’souza
Season 4
Episode 14
Turn Your Troubles Around
Are you looking at a dead situation in your life? It's time you say "No" and speak life over the situation. Today you are going to learn the key to change your life for eternity.
Season 4
Episode 13

Stop magnifying your problems!
What are we magnifying in our life? Is it the sickness or the problems or a hurt that we magnify daily. It’s time we magnify the God who surrounds us, because that is going to be a miracle to your problems.
Season 4
Episode 12

The Concerned Father
Your Almighty Father is HOLDING your hands in your time of struggles, apply force with FAITH and move forward, you are reaching the victory line.
Season 4
Episode 10

The Secret to Slaying Giants in Your Life
Have you been fighting giants of laziness, poverty, anger, unrighteousness, unequal yoking, addictions, physical ailments etc ?It's time you start slaying them!
Season 4
Episode 10

Break Free from Discouragement!
Did you know discouragement is the weapon of the enemy? Your feelings are not the right indictor whether God is with you or not. Don’t give in! Listen to the this powerful key to break free from discouragement and ...
Season 4
Episode 9

Can you kill pride from your life?
When pride is talked about in the Bible, it described as destructive. It is an attitude that inflates self, and puts self-importance above God. Pride will not let you locate your answered prayers.
Season 4
Episode 8

Are You Suffering From Inferiority Complex?
Do you compare yourself with the physical appearances of the people of this world and then feel bad that you don’t look like them? Stop today! You are beautifully and wonderfully made!
Season 4
Episode 7

The LORD Was With Him!
Are you at a point in your life where you feel like you have hit rock bottom. You can change your story. In today's episode Pastor Kim D'souza teach us from the life of Joseph the secret to move from the pit to the palace.
Season 4
Episode 6

10 Powerful Truths About Imagination
Did you know Imagination unlocks impossibilities. It is a powerful tool to bring your thoughts to reality. In today's episode Pastor Kim D'souza teaches us to use the word of God to change what we imagine about ourselves.
Season 4
Episode 5

Don’t Fall for the Enemy’s Interpretation of Delays!
When we are waiting for a long time for some promises of God to be fulfilled, we start questioning that God has forgotten us. In today's episode Pastor Derrick Dsouza teach us the correct way to waiting on God.
Season 4
Episode 4

Are You Missing God’s Answer That’s Right in Front of You?
Have you been crying out to God for a breakthrough, but feel like you can't find an answer? Good new the answer is right in front of you... Listen to this teaching by Pastor Derrick Dsouza about catching the image God has already placed that wi...
Season 4
Episode 3

Is God Angry?
Many of us think that since God is a God of love He would never get angry at anything or anybody. Does God really get angry?
Season 4
Episode 2