Zig When They Zag

Zig When They Zag - Episode 2: Leadership in a Crisis Part 2

Jessica Scanlon and Kevin Ring

In this episode, Jessica Scanlon and Kevin Ring discuss how to dig into your company's mission, values, and vision. Just because a crisis hits doesn't mean your mission, values, and vision should be thrown out the window.

Mission: Your value proposition-the problem you set out to solve for people.

Values: the guide for how you do business-what people expect when they do business with you.

Vision: how the world will look once you've achieved your goals-how customers' lives will be transformed.

As a business owner, it can be tough to identify your mission, values, and vision, these help:

  • Get laser-focused on what your business does best and who you want to serve.
  • Ask your team about some of the best examples.
  • How is the client better after working with you?

Without a clear mission, everything will be a struggle. Mission statements anchor you in how you are making your customers' lives better.

Downloadable Mission Statement Worksheet: 



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