Zig When They Zag

Zig When They Zag - Episode 18: What is Brand? Part 3: Customer Experience

Jessica Scanlon and Kevin Ring Season 1 Episode 18

In this episode, Jessica Scanlon and Kevin Ring discuss the customer experience aspect of a company's brand. Customer experience is the holistic experience customers feel and encounter with your brand, product, or service. 

It's important to have a framework built around the customer experience so it can be protected, no matter who the customer is interacting with.

Customer experience can include:

  • Logo
  • Website
  • Color palette
  • Business materials
  • Customer gifts
  • Messaging
  • Product/service delivery
  • What customers say when talking about the brand

How to Create a Customer Experience Aligned with Your Brand

The brand identity informs the customer experience. Identifying your particular brand elements takes a mix of organic and constructed components. You'll want to tie in your brand's mission, vision, and values, as well as the value proposition you offer customers.

Messaging Strategy and Visual Brand Strategy

After deciding who your brand is, you can then put the words in place that communicate that. That's where having a messaging strategy comes into play.

Visual brand strategy typically comes after messaging because the words used in your messaging strategy will give your designer direction. In addition to aligning with your brand identity, the visuals need to be easy enough to comprehend yet exciting enough to hold someone's attention and be memorable.

Bottom Line: When Your Marketing, Messaging, and Visual Brand Work Together, Your Customers Become Better Customers

Using your messaging and visual branding as the foundation of your customer experience will inform your customers on what to expect when working with your company.

Great marketing helps to retain customers and make them more valuable to your company. 


Hot Dog Marketing is a digital marketing agency in Round Rock, TX serving small and medium-sized businesses. We excel in delivering marketing strategy, digital marketing, website design and development, and outstanding customer service.

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