The Vulnerability Project

#9 The Sombre Side to Christmas

Mike Langroudi Episode 10

The festive season is well and truly upon us. This is a wonderful time of year filled with family, friends, food and love. But for many, this time of year can be especially hard. This can be due to various things, but regardless, I would like to see society allowing for a bit more kindness and gentleness towards those that find Christmas time difficult. 

In this short, unclipped episode I speak a bit about Christmas and what it used to mean to me, and what it means now. And I hope that if anyone listening to this finds this time of year particularly hard, that you will remember that you are not alone. Whether its due to bereavement, broken families or maybe reasons less impactful, you aren't alone in how you feel. And for those who may not be able to relate so much, I hope this gives you some food for thought and encourages a bit of empathy and understanding.