Mindful Matters

How to Outsmart Your Pain with Dr. Christiane Wolf

Blu MatterProject Season 3 Episode 12

Dr. Christiane Wolf is a physician turned mindfulness and compassion teacher and teacher trainer. She is an authorized Buddhist teacher in the Insight (Vipassana) meditation tradition, teaching classes and retreats worldwide. Christiane shares insights from her latest book, "Outsmart Your Pain – Mindfulness and Self-Compassion to Help You Leave Chronic Pain Behind", a transformative guide to finding relief with mindfulness.

Episode Highlights:
- Dr. Christiane Wolf's personal journey
- Insights from her book "Outsmart Your Pain”
- The meaning behind "All pain is real pain"
- The 3 components of pain
- The difference between acute & chronic pain- How we can "outsmart our pain"
- How somatic practices can support pain reduction
- Therapeutic benefits of physical touch
- The connection between Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) & chronic pain

For more information about Dr. Christiane Wolf, please visit:

For more information about her book, Outsmart Your Pain - Mindfulness and Self-Compassion to Help You Leave Chronic Pain Behind, please visit:

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