Doing Epic Stuff Artwork

Doing Epic Stuff

Do you sometimes feel a little bit like a living dichotomy? The kind of cat who defines success as much by 'enjoying the present' as 'achieving tangible goals'? Indiana-Jones-sense-of-adventure meets Penny-from-Inspector-Gadget-strategic-thinker? Well, you're not alone. This podcast is for you. The multipotentialite with a growth mindset. Eager to explore, learn and grow, for life. The kind of individual who has come to understand a universal truth: that just about every thing that's good for us is on the other side of The Struggle and it's all about the journey. Join your host; Mike Drohan, as we explore the stories and journeys of ordinary people, just like you, doing their extraordinary things. 'Cause, if you're not truly excited about the next step, why take it? #DoingEpicStuff

Doing Epic Stuff