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Would you like to hear things you’ve thought about but thought no one else could support? Have a safe place to talk about God or to question God? …to share your divergent understanding about God? hear new stories about God? This podcast and its accompanying Blog are the places you can do that. Give it a try. What’s the worst that can happen? (ok, I can think of several things.) I’m a recently retired (from the United Methodist Church) gay pastor living in Southern California. My experience is that when I have encountered that which is sacred, I have awakened, which also means I’m asleep a lot. I have found that when I live out my theology in my daily life that life works out for me. I’ll share my awake moments and what I’m discovering. Living awake assures us that every experience is a gift to be cherished, the painful ones as much as the pleasurable ones. My blog site is


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