Reviving Growth Keynesianism

Christy Thornton on *Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy*

May 04, 2022

For this episode, Christy Thornton joins us to talk about her book *Revolution in Development.* It tells the story of the revolutionary Mexican state's exclusion from the international financial system in the early 20th century, its new conception of credit and push for multilateral development lending in the interwar period, and its ultimately tragic defense of the Bretton Wood institutions in the postwar period. Along the way she asks us to think about hegemony in the world-system, agency in the global south prior to the much-hyped moment in the 1970s, and Mexico's revolution in development as a cautionary tale about compromise with dominant institutions.

Thank you to our intern, Keegan Hill, for helping to edit this episode.

*** LINKS ***

Christy Thornton's faculty page:

Buy *Revolution in Development: Mexico and the Governance of the Global Economy* here: