Reviving Growth Keynesianism

Nina Eichacker on Solyndra, Socialism, and Fiscal Space

For this episode, we talk with Nina Eichacker, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Rhode Island. We discuss her wide ranging work on green industrial policy, the politics of Eurozone monetary policy, and two pre-pandemic books about American socialism.

*** LINKS ***

Read more of Nina Eichacker's work on her web page:

Follow her on twitter: @nina_econ

"The Case for More Solyndras"

"Institutions, Liquidity Preference, and Reserve Asset Holding in the Eurozone Core and Periphery Before and After Crises: Some Stylized Facts"

"A Political Economy of Fiscal Space: Political Structures, Bond Markets, and Monetary Accommodation of Government Spending Potential at Municipal, National, and International Levels"

"Can America Truly Turn Socialist?"

Although we did not discuss it, also be sure to check out her NOEMA article with Jason Oakes: "Fight Inflation with Surplus, not Scarcity"