Reviving Growth Keynesianism

Matthew C. Klein on *Trade Wars are Class Wars*

November 02, 2020 Robert Manduca and Nic Johnson

Today's guest is Matt Klein, senior writer and economics commentator at Barron's. We discuss his new book with Michael Pettis, which argues that global imbalances are the result of rising inequality around the world. It's underconsumption theory at its most sophisticated. We ask him what implications this has for politics.

Plus, we welcome a new co-host: Chris Hong, a graduate student in history at the University of Chicago.


Matthew Klein on Twitter: @M_C_Klein

Matt Klein at Barron's:

Buy the book here:

Review of Trade Wars are Class Wars:

Elaboration by Yakov Feygin and Dominik Leusder:

Pettis on the limits to debt:

Keynes on the "Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren" (pdf):