The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast

How To Come Up With Creative Solutions: With Nathanael Zurbruegg

Frame of Mind Coaching™ Season 2 Episode 86

As we begin to emerge from the pandemic, it is very common to feel stuck. We’ve been at home for so long, it’s almost like we’re bound to stay where we’re safe. And even though we’ve sort of made peace with that fact, and are getting ready to 'emerge into the sunlight', there’s still this itch we can’t scratch.

On this new episode of The Frame of Mind Coaching™ Podcast, I have an AMAZING guest all the way from Switzerland. His name is Nathanael Zurbruegg, he is a Behavioral Coach and the CVO and Founder of Unlimit You, an incredible company with the mission of helping people create a victorious mindset that lets them achieve their full potential.

Today we take Nathanael’s powerful life story as the ultimate example of resilience and personal growth. And as we dive in and understand that Nathanael needs to stay home for a while longer, we discuss how to keep climbing one mountain after the other, from a different, more creative perspective.

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Read this episode's transcript here:

And you can check out Nathanael’s website here:

Do you often feel stuck? Has the pandemic been affecting your business, your mental health or your life? Let’s talk! If there's a challenge you'd like to discuss here on the podcast or privately, please reach out to me at:

Kim Ades: [00:00:05]
Hello, hello. My name is Kim Ades, I am the President and Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching, and you have just joined The Frame of Mind Coaching Podcast, where we invite leaders from all over the world to join us on the podcast to get coached live and in person.

Today, we have a guest all the way from Switzerland. His name is Nathanael Zurbruegg. I hope I'm saying that right. And he runs a company called Unlimit You.

Nathanael, welcome.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:00:31]
Hey, everybody! Thank you so much for having me here. Hey, Kim, so good to see you and meet you and talk to you today. I'm so excited.

Kim Ades: [00:00:39]
So tell us a little bit about you. You run this company called Unlimit You and I read a little bit about your profile. You have a very interesting history, so fill us in. Who are you? What do you do? What is Unlimit You? And I know that you impact people's lives, but tell us about it.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:00:58]
Yeah, absolutely. So I grew up in Switzerland in a little town in the mountains, which is beautiful. It was always too small for me because I wanted to change the world, to impact people. And so that actually happened because...

So, I was diagnosed with an incredibly chronic illness with one year old, which affected my own kidneys. And then I'm not going into the details, you can get the whole story on my website that I will share later on. But to say that I've been... I shouldn't be alive six times by now. Been through four operations, three failed kidney transplants, a hearing loss of over 80%.

And yet I had so many, you know as well, depression, emotional breakdown. And yet at the same time, we now look over my life, past life, the last 32 years, it was such a blessing to realize that it doesn't depend, the limitations don't depend or affect-- can affect our life truly. But we can depend on what we want to do out of with our life.

And so it was... I started in 2016, you know, very small, with a website, as a speaker traveling the world. At that time, it was still for free for people to book me before I then added the company Unlimit You in 2019.

And so do that, in addition, I added like a victorious mindset mentoring, which I help people exactly to take their limitation, to take, to take the circumstances, to not get influenced by them, but to create a victorious mindset that they can (...) Rise above their limitations, their problems, their circumstances in every given situation and in any given, you know, life, area, whether it's physically, emotionally, business wise, or spiritually or mentally.

So that's what I do today and I love it.Corona, As well as everybody else, has limited me in terms of traveling, but grateful for the techniques today that I can share the story and help people around the world, just out from my bedroom and I love that.

Kim Ades: [00:03:43]
You love that. I love that too. Okay, so you basically had a very challenging life, by and large, and you took that experience and you turned it into a business that's designed to serve and help others.

And so you're offering mentoring, you're a speaker and you really look at when people have difficult circumstances that they are in, to not make that the definition of who they are. I'm translating for you a little bit, right?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:04:13]
Yeah, that's perfectly said. Yeah..

Kim Ades: [00:04:15]
Yeah. Okay. So, awesome. And you've been doing this basically since 2016 and you speak in front of audiences. I'm assuming you tell your story and you're setting a great example for people based on your own life experience and your own... in a way, your own struggle.

So where are you now? What is your challenge that you're confronting, that you want to talk about?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:04:40]
Yeah. Great question. For me it's, at the moment, you know, when you feel like you went over the pain and everything is going smoothly, but then the next challenge appears, you know? It's like, you feel like you're all over the mountains, but then when you are on the mountain, you realize there's a bigger one ahead.

And so, that's where I am today. In regarding of emotional health as well. Currently I'm cleaning a lot of emotional pain outside of my life. 

Kim Ades: [00:05:20]
How are you doing that? What is your approach? What's your process for cleaning up some of the emotional struggle and pain you experienced?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:05:30]
It's a lot focusing on getting back into the past, picking out a specific event that look like not hurtful when I was back in the time, but then become really, you know, hurtful and realize, okay, it did actually more damage than I realized, and I didn't acknowledge that. That's one thing.

And the other thing is like, writing everything down with the people I have specific relationship that might have, in a sense, meant to treat me well, but it kind of, you know, happened the opposite. And so I do that at the moment to really... yeah, to get deeper into myself and into the past too.

Kim Ades: [00:06:23]
So that sounds like you're journaling.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:06:26]
It's similar to that. It's not entirely (...)  I pick a person or two people a week, and then I think about, okay, where it triggers me what I do today or what they say today to me that triggers me quickly.

And then I write down everything and, you know, almost like a battle I give to them, but I don't give it to them. It's more like for me to clean up.

Kim Ades: [00:06:58]
Okay. And does that help you?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:07:00]
It's really helpful because I realize in my own life there's so much. You know, everywhere there's a stone laid on something and I realized that it's really easy to step on those stones and don't do anything.

Kim Ades: [00:07:20]

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:07:20]
But it's more beautiful when they're away and then you will let the grass grow again.

Kim Ades: [00:07:26]
I like that visual. I like that visual.

Okay. So going back to your challenge, you're saying "okay, so I've overcome a lot, but I'm ready for the next thing". What is the challenge around that? Is it that you don't know what the next thing is? You don't know how to define it? You don't know how to find it? Like, what's the challenge around that next mountain you're describing?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:07:51]
I think it's the challenge of being in a transition. I'm awaiting my fourth kidney transplant for the reason that there were so much more medical improvement the last two decades, after I had my third kidney transplant in 2001, so I'm not able to really travel around because I can get any time a call.

Kim Ades: [00:08:22]

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:08:22]
And so for someone--

Kim Ades: [00:08:24]
You have to be close to home.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:08:26]
Say that again?

Kim Ades: [00:08:27]
You have to be close to home.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:08:29]
Yeah. I have to be on call and so, close to the hospital and all that. And so, it makes it hard for somebody who needs to move and who needs to do big things, who needs to, you know, go out into the world.

And that's basically what I did, when between 16 and 19 hour traveling around the world and all that stuff. And so I thought like, "okay, I'm finally over the mountain", but then that opportunity came and I had to make a decision. Okay, well, I'm going to do it again, or I should keep going, life will equate in short term, or I step back a little bit in the short term and then a half a long term?

Kim Ades: [00:09:22]
I understand. So what I'm hearing is you're waiting for the call to get your fourth kidney transplant.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:09:30]

Kim Ades: [00:09:31]
Because the first three did not work. And so you're hoping that with the advancement of technology and medicine, that this one will work more effectively.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:09:40]

Kim Ades: [00:09:40]
But what that means is you can't leave. You need to stay around. Right? You can't just get on a plane and come to Canada. That's not going to work. You have to stay in Switzerland.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:09:51]

Kim Ades: [00:09:51]
Understood. And it sounds like what you're feeling is this itchiness, this frustration, this "I need to wait, but what am I waiting for?" And so, what I want to say to you is that, from my perspective, the challenge is that in your mind, you're seeing the next step and only one way.. Right?

And that next step is "I need to be on the road. I need to be on stages. I need to be traveling. It has to look exactly like this". And what I would suggest to you is that perhaps there is another way that is equally as exciting, as big, as broad, as... provides as much reach. But allows you still to stay home and be close enoughto receive that call.

And so what could that look like? And so now we're exploring different ideas that allows your voice to reach a much, much broader audience. And maybe what that means is you're on many, many, many, many podcasts, right? And that's the initiative. Maybe you start a podcast of your own. Maybe you start live workshops or live events on Facebook or on webinars. Right?

So now you're not only reaching the audience that's in front of you, that fits into a physical room, but you're reaching a much, much, much larger audience. And so, what I'm hearing is "I have the urge, the desire, the drive, the passion to do my work, and I feel stalled".

And from my perspective, you're feeling stalled because in your mind, there's only one way to do it. Well, as I see you and hear you, you know, I would imagine that there are so many ways beyond in-person events to deliver your message and to make an impact.

So right now I'm stuck at home too. I've done more virtual presentations in the past year than I've done in-person presentations in the past five years. Like, I'm just going, going, going, going. So my reach is in a way, much wider and broader during COVID than it ever has been. And I'm leveraging technology a lot more through my activities on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even TikTok now.

And so I want you to reconceived what your reach is and who your reach is and think about it in a much, much broader way. Because in a way I will suggest to you that it's limiting to be traveling and on the road and only speaking to these audiences, because there's only so much human capacity that you and I, that we both have. And it's exhausting.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:12:53]
Yeah. Yeah, I totally get that. For me it's not-- you know, I realized the impact that I can do, and I do that as well. We've done a lot of podcasts which is about approximately once a week. I'm on a podcast, which is great.

For me it clicked the specific desire to go somewhere new and to go somewhere. I'm not, you know, necessarily in connection to go somewhere to... how do I say that? To reach more people, that as well, but it's more like, I feel like the way I'm wired, the way I grew up, I always worked like, you know, I was too friendly growing up. I was growing up in the hospital. I was here for a time or there for time.

Kim Ades: [00:13:52]

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:13:54]
And so it was... At the same time it was limiting me because I realized that the time I was in the hospital, you see, a past thing that I would limit it. And now, or even maybe I will say after age 15, there was a time when I finally realized, "okay, now I can do more than just staying in white four walls that I have always been".

And so it has become a passion in terms of traveling itself and the reason why I started in 16 with global speaking, I realized that distorted and the passion with traveling could equally be connected.

Kim Ades: [00:14:44]

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:14:44]
And of course I do podcasts and I love it. For me, it's-- to be honest, it's just not the same, you know?

Kim Ades: [00:14:54]
I understand. So you're saying "I want to physically get out of here"?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:14:59]
Yeah. I mean, the biggest thing for me is to step into plane knowing on the other side I will land and can inspire people. But it's not only the interpolation that I can give itself or note and say. It's also the getting away, seeing new things, looking, you know, looking people face to face, to their face and being physically there. Yeah.

Kim Ades: [00:15:30]
Okay. So I'm going to throw one more thing at you and you can tell me if I'm off base or this might be helpful, but it sounds like, and I get it, right? Like, when you're stuck at home, it's hard to find that rush, that high, that feeling of excitement that... I don't know, feeling like you're stepping outside of your comfort zone, a little bit.

You know, when you say going somewhere new, it's like stepping into a place of unknown. Is that accurate? What I'm saying right now?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:16:03]
I want to say the places, the ones I know all the time, of course, there are places that I've been before, but it has been many different places, and there were always some added new places.

I was-- especially one place I went a lot, but that was for a conference, in which I not necessarily spoke my show, only for one time, but all the other place they were new, they were like new people, new... doing business with different businesses, organizations. And that's what I love about that specific thing that I was able to do that is missing at the moment.

To really know about other coaches, know about other people, face to face, being with them, hang out with them, you know, going out with them, getting to the streets of their city, learning new things. And so this is something that had always been on my heart and even...
Of course, my dreams are still there. It's just the transition that makes it really, you know, to find out how to deal with it.

Kim Ades: [00:17:36]
Well, you know, I understand that. Like, there's a limitation we're very all physically dealing with, right? Like, we're stuck. We're stuck at home and you're doubly stuck. You're extra stuck, right? Because not only you're stuck at home, but you're stuck because you need to be close to home.

And so, you know, it's very interesting because I find that when we have very real boundaries, very real limitations, sometimes we-- like, we have two options. One option is to just say "nothing for us to do. Oh, well". Right? Stuck. But sometimes those boundaries force us to get a little bit more creative.

You know? So when we look at what are the things that really turn you on, sure. Getting on a plane. Yes, stepping on new territory. All of that stuff. Unfortunately, we can't do that right now. But if we look at the sense of that experience, which is the newness exploring other cultures, et cetera, you know, I always ask myself, is there a different way to achieve that goal? Is there a different way?

Is there-- in other words, when I feel stuck or when I feel trapped, what's really limiting me is my beliefs or my imagination, my ability to come up with a new idea, a new way to experience what I'm looking to experience.

And so, you know, yes, you're on podcasts. Perhaps you should be a podcast host, perhaps you should invite people from other countries to interview them. Perhaps there's a different way of connecting with people from other places and other countries that fills that need, that creates a sense of excitement and curiosity for you.

And again, it doesn't need to necessarily just be a podcast scenario, maybe you're writing a book about people who are in difficult circumstances and how they have overcome them. And you're interviewing these people.

Again, I'm throwing ideas at you and it's not the ideas that are necessarily important, it's the concept that when we have limitations, right? Our mind isn't limited. Our imagination isn't limited, but we often use our real life physical limitations to also limit our imagination, our curiosity, what's possible. And we say, we're stuck.

You know, what's interesting is you described your four walls, your four white walls, and I look behind you and they're not white, but they're kind of beige, your walls. And that brings curiosity to me because if you didn't like those walls, how come your walls aren't full of color? Right? It's a strange concept, right?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:20:24]

Kim Ades: [00:20:24]
Right? But in a way you've created a very similar environment as that which you grew up in. And again, I can't see your whole house, so I'm making a judgment here. But it's interesting to me. Right? So what can you bring into your own home, into your own life, that's full of color. And excitement and interest, so that you're not as limited as the situation puts you in?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:20:51]
Yeah. Great question. I think the four walls it's... so the meaning that I was saying, it was like... not necessarily the white walls, but the involvement in the hospital. the limitations connected to, you know--

Kim Ades: [00:21:11]
I understand. I get it.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:21:13]
I don't an issue with white walls.

Kim Ades: [00:21:17]
No, I know, but you're using an analogy. But in a way, very often we recreate our past because we're used to it. Right? So yes, we're using the analogy of the white walls, but you've recreated that exact environment for yourself. And it's not... It's something that you've instilled in your life. It's something that you've created because you're used to it. It's familiar perhaps.

But I'm challenging you a little bit to get a little more creative, to say, "how do I spend more time with other people in other countries, even though I can't leave my home? How do I make my environment a little more interesting, a little more sexy, a little more exciting to be in? Right? What can I do right here right now that's a little different?"

Because what I'm hearing is there's a lot of the same. So it-- you know what? Like, honestly, this is a much, much larger conversation because I feel like you've been through a lot and you're working through things step by step by step by step. And you're kind of jumping ahead and saying, "okay, I'm ready for the next step".

But there are little techniques or strategies that we can implement immediately to create a different feeling that allows us to see that big mountain more clearly. Right? Because you're like, "what's the next big thing for me?" and it's hard to see because you're in the same environment. But you can change that environment, even though you're not leaving Switzerland.

Yeah? Does that make sense?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:22:58]
Yeah, I get that. Yeah. And that's why I started to-- I actually moved a few weeks ago to here, to do the new season of emotional cleaning. That's what I do at the moment.

Kim Ades: [00:23:12]

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:23:12]
So it's not like I'm doing nothing, so it's like, I'm always trying to be creative and really thinking about what could be the next step, what needs to be away from the way.

Kim Ades: [00:23:28]
But I'm going to throw something else, right? Not just thinking about what could be the next step. I want you to physically do something different. Right? So maybe bring in, I don't know, a new piece of furniture and paint it pink and blue and red and... right? And it doesn't matter if you throw it out after, but like, change your physical environment.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:23:50]

Kim Ades: [00:23:54]
Right? Because what you're saying is "I feel trapped in this environment". Well, let's bring that physical touch, that physical sensation to your world as well. Yeah?

Nathanael, I would love to talk to you a little bit more if you wouldn't mind staying on with me after we conclude the podcast. But for now, I want to say thank you for joining me. I know that a lot of people feel stuck. I know that a lot of people feel trapped within their walls, whether they're white or blue or red, doesn't really matter. We feel trapped.

And the question becomes, how do we bring something new into our world? How do we experiment with our physical environment so that we feel fresh? So that it doesn't feel old and stale? And that we create an environment that inspires us.

But thank you for sharing your story with us, for sharing your time with us.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:24:47]
You're welcome.

Kim Ades: [00:24:48]
How do people find you if they're interested in your story?

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:24:52]
Yeah, so you can go on You will probably put it on the show notes.

Kim Ades: [00:25:00]
We will in the show notes!

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:25:02]
And there you can get all the story you can as well visit my website-- so in my business website there you can check out the services that I bring. And so click on the link. There's even a free ebook available for you to download. It is called "Four Steps to Unlimit Your Life", that way you can start from (...) to go from who I am to living out your dream and overcome your limitation. So check it out. And I would love to hear from you.

Kim Ades: [00:25:39]
Thank you so much for being with us today.

Nathanael Zurbruegg: [00:25:41] 
Thank you everybody and Kim! Thank you.