Fit Me Forever Podcast
Fit Me Forever is the revolutionary movement that is geared towards changing the way you relate to food. It’s about ditching the diet mindset and transforming your relationship with food embracing sustainable change FOREVER.We are passionate about helping women become stronger both physically and mentally – and find sustainable health without restrictive diets and crazy exercise plans.Whether you’re you’re trying to balance your health amidst a demanding career or actively pursuing personal fitness goals, we are ready to empower and encourage you – to help you live a healthy life you truly love!Break out of restrictive diet & exercise programsTransform your mind. Transform your life.
48 episodes
#48 - How to use Keto
The ketogenic or “keto” diet is a low-carbohydrate, fat-rich eating plan that has been used for centuries to treat specific medical conditions. On today’s podcast, we break down a little research about this valuable way to eat. ...
Season 3
Episode 9

#47 - Do You Need To Be Motivated To Be Committed?
In today's episode we answer the question, do you need to be motivated to be committed?We dish up a snack-size episode to help stimulate your #FITMEFOREVER mindset! We toss around a just few kibbles on:How ...
Season 3
Episode 9

#46 - Why do my clothes feel tight?!?
We’ve all been there… you’re working out, eating healthy and feeling great. But, then you put on a pair of pants and they are SO TIGHT!! What they heck?! Why isn’t “it” working?!?In this week’s episode, we talk openly about o...
Season 3
Episode 8

#45 - What To Do When Your Significant Other Isn’t Healthy
What to do when you and your significant are out of sync in the health realm? This topic sure can get touchy! Many of you tell us how hard it is to make changes when it seems like those around you couldn't care less. Es...
Season 3
Episode 7

#44 - 5 Principles For Better Sleep
Sleep is a beautiful thing, except when it’s NOT!Even when life is good, everyone can experience sleep disruptions.And the thing we know about sleep is...it is the foundation to your BEST SELF! So join us today for thi...
Season 3
Episode 6

#43 - Can You Love Your Body AND Want To Change It?
Is it wrong to want to change what you look like?Gain more lean muscle... Lose body fat... Depending on where you look, some body positive experts are saying you can’t love your body AND desire any physical changes….
Season 3
Episode 5

#42 - Framework of Change | Part 2
In today's episode we are talking about The Framework Of Change and what that looks like in your own fitness journey.One of the most difficult pills to swallow is consistency. SO many of us struggle with trusting ourselves to execute our...
Season 3
Episode 4

#41 - Framework of Change | Part 1
We’ve all been there… fully intending to take action towards goals only to find ourselves frustrated, feeling guilty and even ashamed after not making progress after a few months. In today's episode we are introducing the OMNI FIT F...
Season 3
Episode 3

#40 - Foundational Principles | CORE4 (Part 2)
In today's episode, we dive into Part 2 of our CORE 4™ foundational principles of health.In this episode we discuss:Movement for different stages & seasons of life.Lifestyle Framework that supports your de...
Season 3
Episode 2

#39 - Foundational Principles | CORE4 (Part 1)
In today's episode we introduce our foundational principles of health…. We refer to these as the #CORE4.In this episode we discuss:The tenets of our CORE 4™ PhilosophyHow your Mindset impacts everything you do...
Season 3
Episode 1

#38 - This Gets Personal
In today's episode we peel some layers back and get a bit personal.Navigating life’s struggles and exciting events can make keeping your health at a priority a challenge. WE GET IT! This is exactly why we share what we do today.
Season 2

#37 - Favorite Holiday Eating Strategies
In today's episode, we share our favorite quick and sparkling FIT ME FOREVER holiday eating strategies, so you can master mindful habits to navigate with ease the holiday food frenzy and still allow for the full enjoyment of family, friends, an...
Season 2

#36- Counting Macros vs Eating Intuitively | Part 2
In today's episode, we are picking up where we left off in our last podcast talking about how to navigate the process of eating intuitively when you’re so used to counting macros or using another type of structure.You might be surprised...
Season 2

#35 - Counting Macros vs Eating Intuitively
In today's episode we are discussing allll of the details about Counting Macros vs Eating Intuitively.‘Eating Intuitively’ is all the rage right now. And while we think it’s awesome, there are some challenges to be aware of before this c...
Season 2

#34 - You Don’t Have To “Count Calories” To Be Successful
In today's episode we are talking about how you don’t have to count Calories [or Macros] to be successful. At first this topic might make you feel relieved. You might also have some feelings of resistance arise, asking yourself things like, "ho...
Season 2

#33 - Overcome “The Diet”
In today's episode, we are digging into the details of how dieting is cyclical. The goal of this episode is for you to learn the cycles, and be able to identify where you are or have been in an effort to end the cycle once and for allIt'...
Season 2

#32 - Learn to Navigate Your Cravings
In today's episode we are talking all about cravings!!This is the number one struggle when it comes to sticking to any healthy nutrition protocol long term. What if you could avoid having them all together ?! Here's a few ...
Season 2

#31 What Are You Feeding Your Kids?
haha, this is obviously episode number #31 NOT #30 as I mentioned in the intro. But, anyway.... Keeping up with our theme from the last few episodes, today we are discussing how your current behaviors are impacting your children and how your cu...
Season 2

#30 How Do You Break A Bad Habit?
Today's episode is Part 2 of our two part series called: Healthy Habit ChangeWe’ve all been there: we WANT to desperately break bad habits and create change. Today we cover some VERY insightful strategies that will help you break these "...
Season 2

#29 How Do You Create Healthy Habits?
Today's episode is Part 1 of our two-part series called: Healthy Habit ChangeHabit talk has sort of become a common way to refer to behavior change in the last few years, but we find that it's still very challenging to actually IMPLEMENT...
Season 2

#28 - Become A GATEKEEPER For Your Health with Special Guest Michelle Hunter
In today’s episode, Coach Jodie talks with Michelle Hunter, a graduate of our flagship program, OMNI FIT 365. This is a beautiful yet raw story of success. Learn how one client used her personality to overcome seemingly insurmountable health ch...
Season 2

#27 - 5 Lies About Fat Loss
In today’s episode we are discussing 5 common lies that the industry leads you to believe about fat loss.When we asked our audience what they wanted to hear, Fat Loss was top of the list!! Now, we know that much of the content on this po...
Season 2

#26 Muscle Building Tips
In today’s episode, we are talking all about GAINING MUSCLE!!Many women come to us with the desire to change what their bodies look like...tighten, tone and develop shape... all of these things involve gaining muscle, but that's not alwa...
Season 2

#25 - The Benefits and Challenges of "Maintenance" Level Intake
In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about maintenance intake. You might’ve heard us say this phrase before so today we are going to dig into the details: what is it, how to get there, how long to stay, etc.It's common to get b...
Season 2

#24 Navigating Summer Social Activities
In today’s episode, we are going to be talking about how to manage summer social activities. We are right at Memorial Day and the 4th of July is fast approaching. We know an aspect of being Fit Me Forever is not missing out on activities during...
Season 2