The Trashalanche Pokemon Podcast

Ep 14 - Deep dive on Lucario/Melmetal v Pikarom, Best World Champ Decks 04-08, Vivid Voltage, Ditto V, Expanded bans, Welder Box, Excadrill, Whiscash

Brent Halliburton Season 1 Episode 14

if I built, like throw it back decks, is there a throwback deck, like era or like set of decks that I should build for my kids,


that's harder to talk about. What's easier to talk about at the very least is just the world's decks specifically. Cause there's just four of them each year. And so like sometimes they're good sometimes. They're not, I'm not as up-to-date with them. I haven't really played any of the recent ones in a long time, but I'm pretty familiar with most of the formats that cause that's, that's how I learned a lot of it since I didn't play, then I've just played the world stacks and the world's formats. the Oh four decks are very good. I remember, I believe, I think the, the, the swamper, it listed really bad, but you can fix it, but otherwise I think it's a pretty good spread of metadata and the match-ups are pretty, even the, especially the magma versus a blazer kin is like pretty skill-based for the most part. And that's kind of your defining matchup at least of the worlds itself.


The like the most disappointing year was Oh six, because like, Oh, six was a really good format, but the world's stacks all kinds of sucks. Like the Blastoise list was really bad, like really


okay. Yeah. I actually never had those ones cause they, they maintained the value. You know, occasionally the world's cards are expensive still. And I think just something about LDS has just kind of all was always expensive and it was like Lugia or something. It was just a$20 card, even as a world's promo or something,




LASIK. And what, what was the other Oh four deck?


Oh, four is,


LASIK and Matt magma T-Mac and then the garden.


swamper and carnivore. Yeah. Oh, five is not very good if I remember, I seem to remember the in Polian the in Polian deck is kind of clunky, but I think really isn't that? No, sorry. I'm thinking of Oh seven. Sorry.


Yeah. Yeah,


is Yamato's and poli on, Ascension. I don't, I don't think Bannatte that. One's pretty good. I think


yeah. That's true. And then, I don't know what you mean by extension is that the apps all day.


yeah, yeah. Or legendary is sacked, I think is what it's called.


Yeah. Seven was pretty good. Well, five was okay. It had Mehta CHAM, NATO queen Luda cargo. I don't remember the fourth one, but


it'd be nice. If the nice of limitless, just let me print proxies for all these. I mean, I've got to try and go on to eBay and just buy these decks. So it's like a puzzle.


Yeah, they are. They're pretty expensive. Right?


Yeah. They're like super expensive or not available at all.




That's why I was like, I was like, what I need is for somebody to just like, send me like, like say this is the list. And like, here's like limitless proxy list or some nonsense like that. And I'll just proxy it all up because I, I can't be bothered to actually get real cards. Cause I don't care as much as like


Oh, eight is good.


deck builders.


Oh nine. I'm trying to remember all the Oh nine decks. Oh eight is Gardy and pulley on PoliSci and the scissor


Tax Kirk scissor, but like always, I mean, like I liked playing Oh, eight format, but like, I mean, it's pretty much like you should just get to guard a board deck. Like that was the format.


Not even in Pulliam, but you know, Jimmy has that run with him, poli on D and Alex bursts out did really well within Swiss,


I'll give him a play on credit, but like that was the guard of our year. Like,


something, you know, that's what I think about a lot in terms of just like the formats I know fairly well, but didn't play them. It's just like, what would I have played? Would I have been a guard? You know what? I've been a guard of war player, you know? you probably not. I've I've talked about this with, Dustin, a timer too. We're just kind of it's, it's a flaw. I think we're similar in the sense that. You know, it's like I could win with the best deck or I could get third with a weird deck and I'll almost always. Pick the, the off, the off one and, you know, similarly relating, we, I think we were talking about, you know, how you choose a character in fighting games. He played super smash brothers for a little while and it's, you know, there's just some, some fun and being a low tier player, it like, ah, I could win, but you know, at a certain point you're just, you know, you're not giving yourself a fair shot. If, if what you're after is to be the best or something and play the best. but just to kind of interesting how people. Differ in their, their ideologies,


No. That's like a, that's like how we got to now. I was, I was on the Reddit of Pokemon, competitive Pokemon channel. And like, there was a guy posting there and he was like, So I qualified for the players cup and it was my first tournament ever. And I just played the center, scored shot list for like every key. And I qualified, I was wondering if anybody had any feedback on how he could make this list better. And I was like, apparently it's that easy? Why can't, why are we not? Why aren't we struggling? Why do good players not successfully get there? If this guy can just be like, I don't even know what I'm doing, but I'm financing a scorch.


Oh, well, I mean, in my case, in my own case, that's a very, at least like, I've set a timer to now. I think most of the reason why I didn't qualify were entirely my fault. you know, some variants in there, like I would, but just like anyone else. but yeah, there's definitely, I think. especially as a newer player too, it's probably best to just try to focus like that and only play one deck and not, you know, worry about getting, making it better, but you don't, you know, not just like, okay, I'm a new player. I'm gonna play ADP today. I might play seven scorch tomorrow. Like that's probably for when you're a little bit further down the road in terms of your development with the game or something like that. But especially with like, ed, like his list, he did. So I feel like so many of the players who. Place in the top 25, top 30 or so, like did that, it wasn't, they weren't, you know, picking a deck for the day or anything like that. I was just like, I'm going to, I played 50 keys of clay DP. I played 50 keys of center scorch, and I'm sure at a certain point, the more you play the deck to the, your win rate just goes up because your sequencing gets better and just a little nuances,


Yeah. Well, and it's interesting because unlike like, the tournament's that we're used to going to the value of playing an off meta-data. As a good match up against the Metta, I imagine kind of goes down because you're, you know, round five, it's not going to be harder. Right. Like it's just, you're, you're just kind of playing like round three of the tournament again and again, and again, and again, and again, and again and again, and the incentive to just play the best deck, maybe it's much, much higher than kind of what we initially speculated, you know, and maybe, obviously I think for different players, there's a different best deck,


I think somewhat similarly to at least, for, the experience of a new player playing online was probably really, really helpful. I just can't imagine. You know, there's no, you can't make a mistake with your Marnie or something like that. Whereas all of that is I will make, I will almost share it, assuredly, get a prize penalty, I think at the first, real person tournament back, but even easier to make when you're just not as familiar with everything. And you know, then you get into scenarios where, you know, maybe a top player is able to. Navigate the clock and you just barely lose or you're just barely tie, like non-issues when we're playing online. So I'm sure that that's a good part of that story as well.


Right, right. No it knowing when to scoop the play or at best two out of three, like that's not really a thing. Right. It's fine.


I similarly had a friend that I don't know. I don't think he's really. He's probably like on and off very little for the last 10 years, but basically hasn't played in the majority of the last 10 years and he had like set up his account and then two days before the end, he's like, Oh, I think I want to play my 50 keys. Cause I heard about this. Can you send me a list? So I sent him my ADP list and he traded for all the cards. And then like a little more than 48 hours got 90 rep and his 50 keys.


Nah, that's, that's the, that's the Kyla Lista. What's a strategy, right? Just tournament mentality. Welcome to the trash lanch. It's me, Brent Halliburton here as always with and Mike crochet. Our introduction song is Webster's laboratory by Chris Webby, everyone. So I want to try to acknowledge the fact that he seems very cool about letting people, use this song online. I know everybody waits that every week for the five-star review update on our podcast, you guys will be happy to know. We got another five star review. Max levy writes awesome podcast, great podcast, great opinions and great insight into the game. Anybody from a casual player to a seasoned veteran will have fun and be informed about everything. Pokemon TCG, max lady, you are the guy. This is great insight into the podcast and we appreciate it very much.


I do think that I don't know how much we're conscious of it, but I do think we try to, you know, at different times, catered to different audiences of, you know, more veteran versus more. New player or casual player. So I think that's a, a good insight and maybe not one that we thought about, but one, maybe we should continue to make sure that we hit upon.


I think just between the three of us, we kind of cover a good spectrum, in terms of just so you know, we have the polka dad who at least in my view has always been, I've always sort of just wondered, like, why don't you just play? You seem pretty good. You gotta be about as good as your kids, you know, that sort of thing too. And then, you know, I would say that Mikey. That's always been a better player than me pretty clearly, but then, you know, he at least stayed active for the most part. whereas I'm kind of, you know, transitioning back into the game for the most part, at one point in time was, was pretty good. but yeah, and then, you know, Mikey also too, is, has the X-Files sort of rap. They're kind of the. The last bastion of the old days, I feel like in terms of secret teams, secret decks, stuff like that. And so that's also, you know, a good and unique perspective, but I think that's something good to think about and keep in mind as well. I think try to try to cater for everyone if we can. It doesn't seem too hard to do.


All right. All right. Let's jump into the competitive stuff, guys. I wanted to talk about new cards that people had been teasing coming out and, and get your reactions. I think set reviews are the absolute worst way to spend time on a podcast. So, I don't want to do that, but I do feel like there's, there's some stuff coming out that will, it seemed like it was too juicy to be ignored. Let's talk about the new tool for innovation. I think Russell APAR said proof that Pokemon wants to ruin the entire game.


I like Robin shelters take the most. It's like while it's in the format with tag teams, it'll obviously be very, very, very good. But as soon as tag teams and ADP rotates, it's just a. Okay card probably. cause it's not going to boost Cassian's numbers to one chat V Max's and he already won chats. Pretty much all the BS. So it's probably, actually just not a very good card, like once we get to that format. but in the, in the interim couple of months or whatever, it's obviously very good.


Yeah, I think that's definitely right. And, for me, at least it's just, I don't, how long is ADP going to be illegal? because I think we sort of just conflate ADP and like ADP Z ADP Z sort of at the same time. And like, I don't know if the, the, like Lou Carrio, Mel metalization mere match-ups show anything is is not all that great of an attacker when you don't want shot everything. It's like, it's really good. It's got such a good ability and, you know, somewhat, but so much of it is. What's built around it. Like you've got, metal saucer and things like that. Like three energy, you can't use that next turn to retreat. Like not all that good. outside of all this other additional support. And so I think that once ADP leaves, like Mikey said, it just doesn't seem necessary because you're doing it anyways. You do, you do every, does these. Tend to cap. I don't know what the most, the highest one is off the top of my head. I've got like right. Period or something. I don't, I guess there's a way Lord, that probably has a lot.


but that's like a, that's like an outlier


right, right, right. But yeah, for the most part, just like Mikey said, they're all, they're all getting knocked out now either way. I'd be more interested in the other one personally. I like just defensive cards in general, more than offensive usually. I like Zanta it's I like the discard energy attack. It's good. And yeah. I don't keep things going, but.


Does that make them as into more playable or is it still just a, you know, wall people put in to beat, alternative stacks.


it depends on the fee maxes. I think we've got, we're going to be with them for. Another year or two, I imagine. so I think it's, it's a power and the format is just always going to hinge around that. given that we already have a really good fire one, hopefully there's not like another good fire one on the horizon, but you never know. I'm trying to remember if in the video game there were any big kind of fire Pokemon and send us courts was, was the main one. One of the gym leaders has sent a scorch, Yeah, I can't think of any other really relevant fire Pokemon that would maybe get a cool VMAX, but based on the CRO bat and, the ditto, there's not necessarily a rhyme or reason to which Pokemons are getting V maxes so they could just pick a random, Haymour or something for all I know.


And the other thing is Zam is enterprise is also a lot better in the next format because there's no tag teams. So the format will likely be worked around. BMX is much more so than it is now. and so Zam is center probably gets a lot better than I assume metal goggles will rotate by that point too. So you don't like once that card comes out, it's actually a pretty open question. Whether you would play metal goggles or. The plus 70, because minus 30 from all attacks, you know, you get attacked twice and it's kind of the same thing. So, that'll be an interesting decision right now, but I think, you know, going forward, it's probably, it's probably actually the better tool in next format than the Sasha and one.


All right. So Brett mentioned the ditto V and the did a V max. I, when I saw those cards, I was like, Oh my God. I I'm on record as saying I was a huge, huge fan of digital prism star because it made evolution decks, more playable. As you guys know, I'm a complete nut for like Pokemon should be trying to encourage people to play evolutions because evolutions is what makes Pokemon Pokemon, I like, I like that, that I'll be wanting to see if you guys had any reaction to like, Are people just going to start throwing good movies and everything, and then they'll be like, well, I should throw a BMX in it because the Amex card is crazy, especially until triple acceleration. Rotates. Let's go bananas.


Yeah, I haven't thought about it too much. but


I mean, this is the set that drops in like January, right?


yeah, not vivid voltage. Right. so, but the potential, like you said, essentially being able, like right now, it's not really viable to run two V maxes in the same deck. they just take up too much space. Really. but with this, you could in theory, run multiple V maxes in the same deck. So like the first thing that comes to mind, you could run like a center scorch deck, but play like maybe two or three and then one or two chars RSV maxes. Maybe that would be helpful. I don't know. but so I think there could be a lot of, You'd have to really like look back at all the VI maxes and look at the different typings and whatnot. It's interesting. My gut reaction is it's not going to be that good, but, but it really depends on all the V maxes and what people can.


I think the fact too, that it's weak to fighting and we just don't have good fighting Pokemon still will play a big role too. not we'll probably change. I imagine, I guess, no, there's the, there's the co-op or the right period. The VMX I think that sort of package is, about to come out is that this, that, because I know that deck did what did well in Japan, But I'm, I'm blanking. There's a right period of Emacs. Is that right? Did I make that up?


no idea. I actually didn't realize until you just said triple acceleration a second ago, this is skipping ahead. A little bit to Dito. VMX when I saw that card, I was like, this card is really bad. I would never play this, but the fact that you can use triple acceleration with it is pretty sweet.


Yeah. There's like, there's like a brief window until, like, like whatever the next worlds is. Like, I assume it'll rotate out where the triple acceleration is a thing. And I guess you could just go bonkers, like,


Yeah, copy anything. And you can copy GX attacks. There's no closet on that. It seems so.


yeah. My, my favorite comments on, in, in the Twitter sphere about this was the. I can't remember who said it, but they were like, Oh, you know, Pokemon's answered to like fixing the ADP problem is to give everyone ADP you're bumping ABP you'll alter creation though.


Yeah. And you don't even, it's not like a revenge attack where you can only copy it if they used it in the previous turn, just straight up. Copy it. So it couldn't be good. I mean, like if you're not playing triple acceleration, it's probably not good, but maybe in a welder deck, like, so again, going back to the fire example, you could. Run like two or three Denovi one did a V as like a tech card and then welder to it. If you want it to go ditto VMX I don't know. It probably has potential. I mean, definitely has potential. I just don't know it.


Yes. Historically, the ability to choose your attacks is pretty good. There's always good. Like MuTu it's MuTu and Mudo is probably the most extreme case where it's like really, really good, but I mean, obviously Muey X has always done things like that, but. So options are always good utility toolbox type things you suddenly can solve your bad match-ups and maybe just a Carter too, rather than a complete rework of your deck. So, I I'll be surprised because if it's super, super relevant, but people will definitely experiment with it to be sure.


I like it. It's interesting. Cause I could imagine, I could imagine a situation where you like, me, you splash. And one of the VBACs is because you have some deck that allows you to run. Like, I dunno, two windows, I guess. And then you can attach to the ditto. And then swap it or you could evolve it and like attach again and try to do this thing, right? Like you got to, I mean, if you're playing a center score two deck, but you have like a VMX splashed on the side. You can, you have all of sudden you have like a lot of like non-linearity and an optionality that, that maybe is a thing. it could just be that I, you know, this is one of those moments where I've been looking into a car to thinking it's going to be better than it is. And, and, you know, the real truth is splashing in a bunch of databases. And then the budgeted of max is insane. And like, you just don't get enough value for the space when you could be executing your strategy. Right.


Yeah, it'll be interesting to see. I think it's a hard card to evaluate without seeing, but it's a card that gets better with more BMX is in the format. And so.


Right, right. Yeah. The, the, the decks where it makes sense to have it. we'll get more interesting as, the format of balls. Right. All right. Let's talk about expanded. We haven't talked. I I've, I've been thinking like we should do a big expanded episode for, you know, this is episode 14. So apparently three months I've been thinking, well, we should, at some point do an expanded episode, talk about expanded and all that. I don't think this is that episode because we have too much stuff to cover, but we got to talk about the band list. Pokemon made a big announcement. They banned all the decks that I liked to play. and he takes guys.


I not just not privy to much of what's going on and expanded. my initial impression is that they all seemed like really good changes or, you know, balance updates or what have you. I don't, I don't. Quite know how prevalent that doll decks are and the ones that will, that require beach. Cause I think there's a couple of version, a couple of different kinds of stall decks that take beach that are all pretty relevant. So I'm not sure, sort of, I'm just not familiar with expanded enough to be like a high. Yes. Now those decks will just dominate formats, formats ruined. but for the most part, I don't. Quite feel that, tropical beach has as problematic as it seems to be cast as sometimes. So I'm not too disappointed not seeing it get hit here. I know I saw plenty of people that wished it had, But for the most part, I think the changes are really, really good. Sort of the main thing that I was thinking about in terms of seeing the bands was, you know, speculating whether or not could you guys think we could maybe see a players cup that's expanded or something like that, do you think, you know, not, maybe not necessarily that, like, is this a sign that that's coming, but just what are your general, what's your general impression of that idea never happened. people on Twitter have addressed these bands are not supposed to be targeting anything recent. which is to say, I think there'll probably be more updates perhaps before we are anywhere close to getting in-person invents. This is, I think these, bands are really more targeting, format or two ago, just like the release of scoop up Nat, like what it did to the format and things like that. With shaman, obviously being the main one. and then these current control jacks that rely on a ringer, but I am cautiously optimistic. The format will be pretty good from here. I like expanded. I don't enjoy playing expanded tournaments, but for the most part, the games are fun. Fun. There's maybe it's just novel. Unique enough. It's not something I've done. so the match-ups are fun, even if they're really tilted.


Yeah. I mean, I think the bands are good. I hope they're good. But they were also like necessary. At least the shaman one was and melodic, but I think they. So I, I was, I was listening to Zul talk about it. And he was pretty pissed. He was like, they did the bare minimum of what was necessary to keep the format like somewhat playable. And he's like, they should really be banning like way more cars than this. And I tend to agree with that perspective more or less. so like, Barangaroo and Stabili are gone. Great fun. I'll be still in the format. It's a little bit weaker than those two, but it still is kind of the same thing. So like controlled ex-cons still exist more or less probably in the same way if they want to. I actually don't even think Stabili was too much of an issue recently and I think it's kind of a cool card. I think a ringer is a little too much. Three cards is a lot. but saved by like requiring a dark energy is a pretty big deal. I think, melodic obviously needed to go because the treadmill, but again, there's enough there card in the format. That's very similar to that. And I see you, someone made a note here, electric GX. We've already seen people come up with lists that with Electra, that basically do the exact same thing. And in some ways it could be even more powerful because, you give them an extra prize, which means ACE trainer. Or N hits them harder. so I don't know. It feels like the bare minimum of what they could have done. it's I don't know. We'll see. I also, I also like playing expanded general in general. but it's still, the format seems playable now, but maybe not good if that makes sense.


What, what was the, what was the deck you played at the last expanded tournament? You went to Mike?


I played Bahiya unfortunately, that was not a good choice.


I ever, everybody wants to relive a cell here, right?


Yeah. Yeah. I played the


both of the last two tournaments that I played were expanded. I don't think I've been to a physical tournament, but I did go to Dallas regionals. I think it was early last year early. No. Where was it?


Well, Dallas was in January.


I went to Dallas and Collinsville.


Yeah. Yeah. So.


both, they were both expanded. I played, I played so both I played at the, Dallas. I played the deck, that one, I was just bad and I like, I like dropped at two and one, cause I was frustrated. I like, I like misplayed to like lose their ground and it was like, I'm, I'm not gonna, I, in my head, in my head, it was just like, Okay. Like, I'm, it's just going to, I'm going to grind it out. It's going to be the last round and I'm gonna lose it anyways. And I'll just waste my time. I'm just going to go nap. was obviously not a great decision since it won the tournament.


That was the, that was the Tina shot deck, right?


yeah, Tina chump with taboo, Coco, the Roxy Roxy chump. it was very good and I think it's still, I think it has, you don't make controlled X or something, but it's pretty good. I think it has a presence in the expanded Metta games still to my knowledge. but that could have changed. And then the next one I played same group of people, same deck, the mew crammer ant deck. I did, I actually did. Okay with that one. I forget what I ended. I re I remember losing round nine to a person who played like one ADP and one double dragon energy. And they started with them. I knew they played one because they were, they were sure to tell me. I remember that game pretty vividly, but I was, I remember too. I lost, I wasn't, it wasn't a winning in, but the round before around nine, I lost, Ahmed, playing night March. but I was close. I was like on the cusp of doing okay. The entire time with the mew Cramer at deck.


I think that that's pretty fun. I like that deck.


very fun.


Yeah, I definitely think Liam felt the, the agony of variants at both of those tournaments that it Dallas he played, yeah, same 60 as Hunter and Frank and you, and, ran into like hunch Crow lock and then bubbled five, one, one. And it was like, well, this is horrible. And, and then he ended up the, Collinsville. We played, truck door. And eh, he, you know, like bubbled again. And I was like, just can not. It just, it just goes to show that I recognize the challenge with all juniors and seniors is like, you lose one game and you're like, Hmm, it's going to be tight. It's going to be very tight. Just don't play a lot around, yeah. So the thing that I always wonder about is like, I feel like so many of these problems could be solved by like using a errata instead of like outing out bands. I think since almost day one, I've been saying if they just arrived at hex maniac, it could be a prison star card. It would be great. Cause I always thought hex mania is like a skill card. Like there's some times when, like everyone should have a tech to deal with abilities and expanded because abilities are crazy. And you don't want to have to run guard Botox and to deal with it. Every game you just had a card that like, you can just get out of abilities for one term, you know what? It would be a paralysis, whatever it is like, it'd be really good. And, you know, people could make a strategic decision. And I understand how if a guy's just going to play hex mania at every turn until you lose. Like, that's very, that's tough, but I like the idea of you. You can do it once, but I, I. Maybe, maybe it's because like knowing whether or not it band card is on a deck list, makes it really, really easy to kind of make sure people are following the rules. But, you know, I mean, Pokemon catcher, we somehow survived. I survived surprise that it's it seems like such a big deal that they don't more aggressively errata stuff.


Yeah. I mean, there's plenty of precedent for it. I mean, going all the way back to the neogenesis they arrived at, the smoking card that was. I mean, it was mistranslated, but, I don't know if they changed that. So they've came, they've arrived at things, like you said, a couple of times over the course of competitive history and it's been fine. it would be cool if they did something like. We're going to release this small set of cards that are not legal for standard, but are going to be legal for expanded. And maybe they're like reworkings of those banned cards. So like that would be another option if they didn't want to around, things, to keep things more straightforward. Maybe that would be some option. I don't know, but I agree.


they, they could have been more aggressive, like Reddit, right from the gate and like said, you're shaming X. Now you can only use like one set of fraternal. Right. I mean, obviously that's what they, they realized that they wanted like three days in.


Yeah, right?


Why that just, yeah, it seems to me like, if you wanted a different kind of format, you you'd be like much more aggressive, right?




Yeah. I mean, I still, I still will be surprised to really see expanded come back. I'm still holding on strong to my theory that it's just going to go away in favor of something else instead. But if it doesn't go away, I would like them to see. I would like to see them, Prince, like what magic does with the modern masters sets like that just immediately solves the tropical beach problem. I think, you know, you get, you print a special set. Maybe it's a little bit more expensive or something like that. That just only has your gets this text, maniac and execute, whatever you want. You just put all the all-stars of the expanded format and it just makes


kit of expanded.


Yeah, and it makes them accessible. other thing, at least with tropical beach, that's only problem is that it's just expensive and hard to find.


Right. Yeah. It's not too good or anything like that.


I mean, yeah, but just in general too, I mean, I don't think old cards really maintain a value. It's kind of one of the biggest common misconceptions. I think people have at least maybe as a lay person coming in, seeing all this hubbub about all the basic cars being good. And it's just like, Oh, well all cards must be worth something. It's just like, no, I'm not for the most part like shaman shamans were, I forget what they were. kept app there. Like I bought full art ones for these expanded tournaments I played in and they were like four bucks. so it was not, not to say that most cards are expensive, but accessibility is always a plus I think. and also to people we have to pick and choose our tournaments. There's so many of them, I think. Most of the data indicates that people don't like expanded. They'll not go to an expanded regionals if they can choose to play a standard one instead. and maybe a lot of that is just has to do with cards and availability. And maybe I don't test expanded because I don't have the cards, you know, like. All of these things at least made a little easier with, an all star expanded set or what have you. But I think my general view is just that. And I think I've said this in the first episode or two, and we talked about this is that there's just too many cards that aren't. Clearly aren't meant to, aren't designed to interact with each other and that's just like frustrating to me. Like I, and maybe that's something that just in erratic could fix, but I just like, it's annoying. We have great catcher and then like a set or two later, they're not printing cards that it's good for anymore. The same thing with like a shrine of punishment. There's just all that just always, especially in expanded creates these scenarios where cards are just kind of accidentally good. And, you know, you just, you're throwing in random things here and there just cause they catch the catch the format, but it's really just like more of a sort of semantic interaction of why it's good. It doesn't necessarily have to be a powerful card. It's just because. Of the way things were worded then versus when they were worded. Now it's suddenly really good and like a bridge it as my main example of that. Whereas just like Bridget was, I don't think Bridget really was ever supposed to be such a card, but then it's the most important card on your first turn. Just, Because of the way things are worded because of the mechanics and things like that. And I just think that happens so consistently that the long game is just not in there on their mind when they're designing cards. And this conversation was fairly relevant to talking about the tools, because we have like people upset, like why would they do this? This just makes ADP better. But you know, Japan is the one making the cards. Japan is playing different formats and things like that. They're the ones designing the cards. I don't think they ever, they do play expanded sometimes, but they're huge, huge tournaments are never expanded to my knowledge. I think that's just a big reason why, like, they don't have to think about this sort of thing. Whereas we in the U S are just stuck with like, half the regionals are expanded for some reason.


And I mean that that's, I think the, the big erotic acts that I, I forgot to mention, but I feel like I should always mention is I, I can think of no reason why they wouldn't just say if it says IEX or GX or V or BMX, that means all those cards.




And if they did that, it fixes the melodic problem. It fixes weird Bridget's it fixes the, the electro GX. Like you wouldn't, you wouldn't even have to bend a lot, cause it would already be fixed.


I mean, you wouldn't even have to word it necessarily. You wouldn't have to like, IRAT it to V you just make this distinction for like two prizes or


Yeah. exactly. Yeah, exactly.


And, and yeah, like I think, I feel like that's an easy thing because 90% of the casual players look, and I think they assume that these are these equivalent, right.


The, the same thing.


Yeah. Like they don't even know that there's a difference. So if you arrive at it and say, yeah, you know what, we're eliminating the difference. They're like, that's


It, it would be less confusing in some, in a lot of ways.


Yeah. Like watching, watching a guy pop off with Trev, nor like the guys at the bottom tables, they're like, I don't even understand what you just did.


Yeah. I thought you couldn't do that.


Doesn't make any sense.


I think one of my favorite, just kind of comical interactions between, you know, a top player and a top deck and like a beginner player, you know, you might've had this happen to you at league or something one day is just that like, you know, I, I think I remember it with. Lux chomp or something, or I was testing at league one day or something and like a casual player just walked. I was like, Oh, I see you have an electric psychic deck. I have a. Fire water deck, you know, just that sort of that's that the level of understanding and the game is always just kind of, you know, not to be disparaging of course, but it's just funny to see a top deck and sort of only think of it in terms of your colors, your types and things like that. But all that to say are, right. Like you're saying, they're not going to know any, they're not going to know any better. Right. They're there with their, their evolution deck or what have you. They don't know what the top cards do.


Yeah. Yeah. The, the fact, the fact that Bridget suddenly became an incredibly playable card for like no discernible reason. That's all over the head. Right. All right, guys. Should we talk about actual tournaments? Do you guys want to talk about your weekends?


Sure. Yeah. I played a lot of Bukharian. My metal is Ashton in the past five days. I posted on Twitter. I went on like a 20 game win streak on the ladder, and then I played. On Friday played in the limitless tournament, because for some reason we didn't have school that day. So I actually got to play it. and I did okay. But I lost to two Altera index because I didn't play glary and so I just auto lost to those. then on Saturday I played in the channel fireball event. I played against Mike Cremo at round one who is playing the only Mewtwo water deck in the tournament, which is a terrible matchup. And obviously pram is quite good. So I lost that in the first round. And then on Sunday I played in the Sunday open and I ended up getting top four, which was pretty sweet. And I only lost to a mirror, the car and my metal in top four, pretty much the same list, one car different. and he ended up winning the event. So if I had won the mirror, I probably would've won the finals as well. So I. Want to play this because I think it is a pretty solid deck and plays Accion, which is a really good card. And I kind of wanted to see if in theory, in theory of prepping for a players cup too, it seemed like it had pretty good match-ups. And so I, and I feel really comfortable with my ADP. So I was like, let's spend a little bit of time working on something else. so that's what I worked on and now I'm really not sure what to play for this coming weekend, but yeah, that was my weekend. And I know Britt played a bunch as well.


Yeah. So I, I played, the same 60 as Mikey for the channel fireball, which was kind of a. An interesting experience in that, at least in the way I decided to prepare for it was that we've talked a time or two on the podcast about how most of the weeklies there, you know, there aren't prizes, there's nothing at stake experiment, play a fun deck, do what, you know, do that sort of thing. Whereas, and this was the first tournament I've played in. At least of the non-official stuff where I'm like, I'm going to play a real deck. I'm going to try to do, you know, do what I did in, in the players cup. I'm going to play a real deck. I'm going to focus. I'm not going to be tapped out, chatting the whole time I'm going to zone in. no, you know, it didn't matter what I played. I was just between ADP Z and, the, the cardio metal deck, I think mostly, like I said, too, just trying to test for my friends if I can. And it went pretty well. So I'm seeing, I didn't actually know how I finished, but I, because it was, it was single elimination with pairings and not a bracket. I have resistance, so I finished ninth.


Oh nice.


Solid nights, like not, not, I have better resistance than the guy with the same match points under me, but I actually lost to the guy who won two I'm seeing now too, which makes always makes me feel a little bit better. I was like, well, you know, I didn't make it. at least at least it was to the guy that no one beat that day. but so I played round one. I played against an ex Kytril control deck round two, I played. I think I played ADP that round round three, I played I'm blanking on one around four. I played a to NADDIS on stream and then around five, I lost to the peak of two player. That one, Which was interesting because I think, I don't remember if we talked about it on the podcast, but I had mentioned it to friends here and there that I was at least under the impression that the matchup should be pretty close, but I just got beat to Oh. So badly. And it wasn't like. I didn't drop bad. I didn't draw great. but it just felt like I just didn't feel like I had any plays the entire game. and my opponent did draw very well. I think, but it's definitely made me change my mind on the matchup. It doesn't seem nearly as good as I thought it was. Initially, if you play it wrong. As I think I was as the PICU player, I think it's pretty favorable. But once you know what you're doing, which is just bolt hunting a lot, instead of just going for a full blitz fast, and then letting them discard three energy with full metal wall, the bolt-on just did too much damage too fast. And like maybe in games where you have a turn to station of your own, you just immediately knock it out and can. Sort of re-establish your board and full metal wall later in the game, but I just never, I didn't have fast hands or anything like that. So I just got to sit there and watch it put for energy on the board. And then they have cocoa behind that too. And a second one, a second. Bolt-on that is, and I. Just didn't feel like there was anything I could do and then still have the occasional, you know, your Marnie in the nothing as Dacian, Lu the Lucara monumental deck every now and then. but that was actually the only tournament I played in. I had intended to play the Sunday open as I usually do with the welder box stack. That's the main deck I've been playing, over the past, probably two to three weeks now. it's come up. We've mentioned it on the podcast too, but. That's what I wanted to play the next day, because again, less stakes going to try something different. And, I missed it because of the time change. I was, I was late and unfortunately didn't get to play, but I just decided to grind, for a couple hours instead, you know, was going to play, spend this time today, playing Pokemon anyways, might as well be productive with it. And I went, 14 and six, which is okay. It's really hard to get. Match-ups good. Match-ups good games on the ladder. Unfortunately, I'm just kind of trying to find people to test with because you just don't get good players. You don't get good lists. Occasionally you do. Like in those 20 games, I played one person I knew and that game was good. but for the most part, it's just such a crap shoot. Even against Mehta decks. You're not playing against good lists and things like that. So their results aren't necessarily indicative of much, but I do like the deck a whole lot and have been. I think the list has been getting better and I'm just talking to Tate on the Mayan daunted group. He's really, really Intuit as well. and his list was, has some pretty big differences compared to mine. And, he's walked me through how he plays some of the match-ups and I was like, okay, actually, that makes sense. Like, I, I wasn't playing the ADP matchup right yet. And then he has. He has like a double and the Cape of toughness and that's kind of his like late game against decks as he just tries to stamp you and get a big double with damage with extra help you going and try to take, prizes behind that. yeah. Whereas I went with a more kind of, I was playing like mega char. I played Charles ARD, restaurant and low punny. So kind of, yeah, my deck is kind of like a, an amalgamation of. Like the ball Canyon, right? Period, your deck that already existed as well as like the fire, the, the older firebox decks with like Vic teenies. I don't play any of those cards, but there's just like a lot of random texts that were often found in the firebox deck from the format or two ago. I think it's good. I don't, like I've said before. I think most of its issues are obvious. and they're not solvable in that. like for instance, you might not think that. Like as an intern, not as player, you might just say like the red period doesn't seem that threatening to me or something. And I, and I think you're right. It's for the most part, it's just a matter of both of you sitting there hoping to hit boss before the other one. And in my games, I play it. I just happened to be the one to hit boss first. And, but just sometimes. Things go really well for the volcano player going second. Whereas the turn on us players, like immediately forced to need responses maybe a little bit faster than they are sometimes. So in games where both players are drawing, well, I think it turned out it should win. because the theory is that like, Like, if you get the energy acceleration off, then it doesn't matter what the right period does because you have your threat ready to go. but sometimes you have just doesn't happen. You only get one energy on the board. And, I get turned to right here, here, and then I just run away with it, things like that. but I think the ADP matchup is actually pretty okay. Pretty good. and it hasn't okay. It turned out as match up and okay. ADP matchup. You've got volcanic ones for, safeguard and things like that. So was, is really easy. you just have melodic in are generally fast. The MuTu decks have, I don't think I've dropped the game to mute Mewtwo yet. but yeah, like I said, I was not super impressed with my 14 and 20 results, but it covered a pretty even spread of the metagame and I've, I've played quite a bit more since then, too. And. And warming up to it. I don't think I would play it where I to be in the players cup, but I think it's, it's worth considering certainly is a real deck. I think it just might not be tier one.


Yeah. So can we go back and talk about, Mel metal for a second and, and kind of deep dive on the match-ups you played X girl control round one. Is that, is that a favorable matchup guys?




We had talked about it briefly before you played that match up and I haven't played it, but in theory it seemed like you could even just solos, ashy and just Intrepid sword. I don't know if that's what you did, but.


Yeah, I think that's all you have to do. Yeah. They just don't. They don't. Well, that's just the main thing that control decks are lacking right now that don't have articles anymore. You don't just don't have an answer to the solo one Pokemon. That's good enough to get through your Pokemon, especially to like a Torrid plate and X Kudrow control deck for the channel fireball tournament. And he didn't even play crushing hammers in his, And so I'm not sure really how you're supposed to win, certain matchups without crushing hammer, but yeah, they just, I don't think they can pressure you, you fast enough. And then I'm just going to sit there with 40 card hands and Marnie myself four times, like so much of controlled acts. And this has always been the case almost regardless of format, but control decks, specifically the ones that try to mill you just capitalize on mistakes more than anything. And once you. Know how to play against them. It's just easy, I think. And it's something it's harder to learn than maybe learning how to play various match-ups. Cause there aren't any real particulars about the cards themselves. It's just understanding like, no, I don't need to play a support of this turn. Do not attach an energy unless you need it. You know, don't give them free targets and things like that. I dunno, I just have so many stories or memories of playing at Lee cup, city championships. And there is a, you know, a mil deck floating around and I just watched, I watched it make cut while I, while their opponents just beat themselves. Like, just like, I'm going to Sycamore every turn because that's all I know how to do. Oh, I lost, you know, whereas when I played it in top cut and I like didn't play a supporter and it was the fastest two Oh. Of my life. Like. Little nuances like that, are, are hard to learn sometimes I think, and in my own games was extra Crutcher alive. I don't, I don't quite understand how, sander did as well as he did. I know he played the attacking version for his cups. but it was winning tournaments with the control version too beforehand. And I just, I'm just going to say, I don't understand it. I'm going to, I'm going to trust him and think that it's good. And imagine he has some, some good answers to how to play the Lou Carrio mill metal matchup, but I think it should be a pretty easy matchup.


Fair enough. So, so how about peek around Mike? Do you have a reaction to the tough times British hat


Well, so I've only played against peaker, on ladder. I didn't play against any in any of the tournament's that I played in. I don't think this weekend


and it's worth mentioning, I mean, Pico rom destroyed the channel fireball tournament, right? Like it was like three, four of the top four decks that it close out top four.


Right. So, I think like Brad said, I think at the peak around med peek around player, doesn't really know how to play it then. Well, tell me back up a little bit, because I, I want to make a point about. Who the Carmel metal in general, I think it's a deck that much more so than other decks of the format. Not as much as control, but other decks in the format. It capitalized on opponent's mistakes quite well in comparison to something like ADP or up scorch. and so when you're playing on ladder, when you're playing against people that either aren't really paying attention as much, maybe they're weaker players, you're going to. And if you're playing attention and if you're making strong plays, you're going to on average, see much better results than if you're playing against, you know, the same list even, but you know, someone that's a little more competent with the deck. that's not saying that the Carmel mentalism bad deck or it's not extremely strong, but that's just the fact of the deck that you might have skewed results. If, if the majority of your testing is against people that aren't really thinking as much. While they're playing you. So I think in particular, the coming back to the Pika match stuff, that is something that is the conventional wisdom, especially from last format, was that the CardioMEMS at all was favorite against peek around, but they were only playing one bolt in then. And I think the big change is the second Bolton, because they get it more consistently. And they have the second one, if you kill the first one. So even if you have a quick start, you know, maybe you, the pick, I think usually choose to go second. So maybe in an ideal world, I was kind of playing out the metric in my head is and goes first they attach an energy to is ashy and maybe they Intrepid sword and energy onto it. Turn think it's turn one. They Bolton two energies on a peaker arm. Then you go, you have a great start, you attach it to Sasha and you kill her bolted. So now you're probably in a pretty good spot, but if they have the second Bolton and they full blitz to it and you can't kill that, then at some point that's going to come up, take a one-shot, they're going to have rights you at some point. And I think it just, I don't know. I think the second Bolton probably makes a really big difference in the matcha. so I'm not. I haven't played it personally. I'm actually going to, I talked to Danny Ulta via, cause he posted on Twitter the other day about how he thinks that Pika is quite favorite in the matchup actually. And I think Brett, you commented that with your experience as well. and so I'm going to play him either tomorrow or Thursday a little bit just to kind of get a feel for it by playing a good player. because yeah, like, I dunno. I remember the last time I played Pika with Lou Carrio. And I decked the guy out. Cause you know, he just benched a bunch of stuff. You've mentioned a Beka bolt for some reason and didn't attach interviews to it and I bought it up and he ran out of switching cards. And so like there's things like that, that Lou Carrio can do just because it puts pressure on a lot of different resources. so yeah, I dunno, I'll be interested. I'll be able to report back next week, whether I play, Lucara Mel metal this weekend, but either way I'll have played those games


Yeah. I was about to say that will be too late.




Watch Mike's Twitter before we got to get, get the data. did you guys look over the channel fireball results at all? Besides like peak Iran, just being everywhere? I didn't look too closely. I mean, the thing that jumped out to me was so much ex good, real control and, and peek around did really well. And like maybe the moral story is if you go to a tournament where everyone's playing ex-girlfriend control, like. That's the play to Bolton's. They're like, yeah, this is going to be fine.


the only thing that I'll mention is that I don't know all of the peaker out buyers, but I'm pretty sure like three or four of them. Very good players. So I know, Isaiah Williams played it. I know. Danny played it. I know someone else, someone else I remember like looking through the list, maybe Logan or Gabriel, one of those two played it, I think.


I think Carter Musgrove played it. Is that right?


Yeah. So there's just like, I just remember, like before the tournament started, we got access to everyone to list and I was kind of like clicking around people that I knew. And I was like, Oh wow, there's a lot of good players playing peek around. So even though there was only seven that were played, it was still the third, most popular deck. But, that's a big factor of why it did well was because the people that played it were very good players. Right.


Yeah, I haven't said that. I think there were lots of good players at the tournament. Like.


Yeah. Yeah, that's true. I'm surprised that there was so little Turnitin. It's only three. That's pretty interesting.


yeah. You know, shout out to frequent, pod to, Twitter, Emory a Taylor. He, he did not play peek around at a tournament where it big around was apparently the deck, the play what's up.


Maybe, I guess that maybe the data's just conflating, it turned out as is together. Cause they had turned on a side plate. Didn't have poison. it was polka gears and stuff. So I don't know if that's, that means there's another, if there's a wrong deck somewhere else there, it's just subsumed into the, those three decks. But the one I played against and he was actually on stream the round before as well was just a consistency. Just poke a gears, dark city. your, your typical, he had to Eva tall, one Hoopa when Sable I, your, your typical package to try to kill his Amazon data. but yeah, I know none of the poisoned stuff at all.


Yeah, I think that, I think that that list of decks that were played a term, it was just a list that Caleb threw together for us. So Kevin do appreciate it, but, yeah, very forgiving. I think he was probably looking at a couple of them and said these play the tax crook package, and then didn't look closely at the restaurant. The fact that he went through and rolled it all up for us. I very much appreciate it.


One of the, so Carter did run seeker around me. He ran for Bolton. That's pretty crazy. That's not standard.


Yeah. And, and, you know, yeah, obviously there's, that's a whole slew of people that like, if they bump into him and they're like, well, this is going to be pretty rough.


yeah. So I definitely wouldn't want to be against for Bolton as, as the, now she and Luke are in my mental plane. That seems quite bad.


Yeah. So, so, any reaction to how any of these results play into how people are going to think about players come to next weekend? Like is ADP just going to be the big deck or is, do people look at this stuff and say, peek around should be the big deck.


Looks like B Pico go home, I think is, is the current medic game. If you're not comfortable in your ability to stomp this version. W which is interesting, there's kind of two versions now. Cause I know Danny was playing some power plants, in his deck versus the usual, just chaos swell, chaotic, swell. I'm not sure, what the winning list was going with, but. You don't, you need to be, you need to be able to crush this deck. I would say for sure. I guess the format has just been around long enough that I think you have a, you know, even if you've tested or not, how to beat ADP, you've played it a lot yourself, probably. So it's less of a consideration, whereas the, the, or to match up just all the strong players seem to be gravitating towards it. I would be, I'd be really curious to see like the data on the trend of peaker, kind of over the past couple of months or so, because, I mean, Mikey was one of the, really, the only first people I had heard talking about it saying it was fine still. And I was just like, what are you talking about? And now it's obviously just like, maybe even though best deck, certainly I'm. I'm a little skeptical. I, I don't know how you've always beat ADP. I think ADP there's just so much variance involved in the matchup too. And that, that makes me uncomfortable. I feel like, and again, maybe this is just a flop, but I just, you get more wild, a wrong model and you just don't have a game anymore against ADP. And that's my problem. with any tech, you know, it's not particular to Pekichu or anything, but, I would, I would think those are definitely the top choices going into the next stage of the cup, your bread and butter standard, no flips ADP, or maybe flip some cards with pick her own.


Yeah. And I think, kind of the other side of this coin is that we talked about it a couple of weeks ago, but there's been as the slow rise of peek around, has occurred. There's been a slow decline of, alternatives. and it's still a good deck, but it's just not as popular as it was before. It's definitely not the number two deck. but I don't know, I don't, I don't put much more stock and these weekends tournaments that I do the last couple of weeks, I think, you know, the summation of all of them is really what I'm looking at, because the results aren't honestly, two different. The one thing that I will say is that it seems like this weekend and. Pretty big, the other trend over the last couple of weeks, it's less and less fire. in general, I think fire decks centers Gorge has done. Okay. but like, and like what step one is still okay. And the new two welders still. Okay. But all of these decks have gotten, sick. They haven't been putting up the same results as previously, so I'm less worried about those decks. I am more worried about ADP Pika. That's still like, want to, would want to take it and turn into a good attorney at this matchup. so I dunno, I think the format's been around for so long now that, I think we all more or less know what to expect. And so I don't think I don't want to have like a recency bias because I don't think, everyone pays super close attention every single week. To these various events. So I'm trying to look at it a little bit more holistically over the past month or so.


W, what do you think are the odds that we'll see some like crazy random, like rogue deck that nobody saw coming, make like one of these top four placements in North America.




I would have to be the welder box tech. I'm going to, I'm going to toot its horn a little bit more. I think if there has to be. And unconventional deck. It'll be something like this. I think nothing completely out of the blue, the powerful cards are just so good. And you have to, you have to pick your poison, right? You can't just build a deck that doesn't have welder that doesn't have ADP that doesn't have Zetia, and you gotta have at least one of these elements sprinkled into your deck. they just don't print good enough cards to sort of make all the kind of cool rogues work anymore. Like. The, and just doesn't matter. It wouldn't matter if your various stage one random stage two and this that did a hundred more damage for two less energy. They still wouldn't be competitive. Like, as I don't want to, I don't want to say it's a design problem because I don't know if it's necessarily a problem, but you know, it is frustrating, especially looking through scans of a new set and it's just like wired. What's the point of so many of these cards. Only only 10 of these cards are good. I don't know.


The one, the one deck that, I do think could be good. It's not totally out of the field, but the attacking next good drill, I think is. Not too bad. It takes a very strong feed. Ground match up. A very strong attorney does match up and if it runs all tariqa, then it can beat ADP if they don't run the counter. I think if you don't run out, sorry, pretty, I mean, you can beat it, but they have to like play their DNAs and their CRO bets down for you to beat it. So that deck, you know, with the right match-ups and whatnot could, could get there. I think.


I, you know, I like that. That seems like a viable, hot take.


The welder box tech has a very good match up with finding extra drill. I've learned that deck is very popular on the ladder as well, and I have never lost to it. It's always, it's always a. A very easy matchup. I think that's also too a deck that really capitalizes on bad players and bad mistakes because when I'm playing against it, it's just like, all right, don't have cobots or Denny's this game.




that was your only strategy. Easy.


I, you know, I I'm surprised. Yeah. It would seem more like, like clickbait to like budget deck, attacking extra drill. Like that seems to me like it's primary, a utility, right? Here's a good deck that almost anyone can build.


I think this is a good opportunity to shout out the spirit tune deck that I played against. In, the Sunday open, it was running, not a full sweep of spirit tomb. I think it ran three, but it ran a four, four whiskey cache line. And for those of you that don't know what wish cash did or have never seen the card myself included until I played it, for two fighting energy, it does 140 damage and it deals. Damn 20 damage to your bench Pokemon. I think that's what it does. so one 40 for two fighting, is enough to one shot, all the stuff in theater. and if you play martial arts dojo and you want shot to turn it to this, you have karate, so you can do it for one fighting energy. So it's, it's actually seemed like a pretty solid fighting attacker. And I had never seen it before. It has an ability to, and I don't remember what it is. but, it was kinda cool. I mean, it, that deck was really very bad match up against the car and that mental exhaustion, because, you know, they just don't do anything against me. but it was still cool to, to see it. It's probably not good. I don't think it ever beats ADP like 0% chance to beat ADP, but, again, kind of, it's probably worse than the schedule deck, but it was a cool take and I appreciated. Playing against the coolest spirit tune deck as I've tried to come up


ability is submerged, which is like bench barrier for it. Not, not, not super relevant unless you're against like pick the wrong, something like that.


that was, that's my spirit to shout out for the week.


You know, we love it. Anything else you guys want to talk about?


it covered pretty good grounds.


Yeah, I felt like that was a very efficient pot. Covered a lot of ground.


the future weeks.


Yeah. I just know this weekend I'm playing or playing at least three sessions in whatever deck I play this weekend. And that's the only thing I know for sure.


It is a good card.


I haven't heard. I haven't seen that spirit tomb. Listia.


All right. So when you want to say something funny to wrap up the pod,


Just send it


There you go. People will see everybody next week and we'll have, we'll have some players cup, two news. We'll see what kind of space? Spicy decks, undaunted debuts and stuff like that. We'll talk all about that stuff, right guys.


best of luck to everyone competing and we'll see you all in another week. Stay safe out there. Wash your hands, wear a mask. All that good. Good.