Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"Vegan Cheese and other Healthy Goodies" with Kanch Porta-Panjabi

vincent Season 1 Episode 44

Kanch Porta-Panjabi is a raw plant based chef who thrives in hustle of Hong Kong life. Kanch grew up in Hong Kong has two young children. She has travelled widely living and studying in New York, London and Barcelona..

Kanch's dream is to make an impact on the way the world eats. She believes in the power of food to heal. At La Taula [Catalan for The Table] her mission is to provide delicious plant based cheeses and sweet options, making raw plant based food hassle free, fun and HEALTHY.

2:34 I moved here when I was five...A great place to grow up ...
4:50 I went to University in upstate New York Syracuse...lived in London...lived in Barcelona
6:20 I have a company called LaTaula ...(The Table in Catalan)...We make vegan cheese...
7:09 I started to have burnout...that's how my wellness journey started...
8:40 I was very into a raw diet...
;00 Its a lifestyle, it looks very glamorous...very fast paced...adreneline then crash...
12:44 I was vegetarian...bad eating habits...
14:46 A vegan cruise...so much processed food...
16:24 If you are vegetarian...learn from a blood test...
18:00 A range of vegan cheeses...Asian flavours...I do a seasonal range of products...
20:18 I like to support people...understand your body...know yourself...
21:35 I think "Plant Based" is the future...the perception of vegan food has changed...
23:11 Lots of vegetables, for sure...portion size...
26:15 People are going to do it...If they can go home and try it...
27:20 You have to think about how to get creative...
28:00 Many interesting stories when I used to do private diners...
28:53 I think I just love learning...I love growth...
29:58 I have a morning routine...
31:20 I started meditating, I want to say, six years ago now...doing it,  seeing it, feeling a difference...
33:40 I started noticing my self talk...We are hard on ourselves...
35:30 I have a list...my rituals...
36:28 I love cooking...
38:12 I've changed careers...
39:23 I would like to grow the vegan cheese business...
40:00 Books : see below...
42:06 The biggest change of beliefs ...
43:41 [COVID] - It was a bit of a rollercoaster...Live in the moment...
MTR Quotes :

Hit Refresh: Satya Nadella
The Book of Joy: Dalai Lama, DesmondTutu and Douglas Carlton Abrams
Becoming: Michele Obama
The Tools of Titans: Tim Ferriss
Stillness is the Key: Ryan Holiday

Contact Kanch

Contact Vincent
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Podcast: https://overfortywellness.buzzsprout.com
Pro Coach: https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscox
Email: vincent.hiscox@outlook.com
LinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox