Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"Good Girl Syndrome" with Pia Prana Muggerud

July 03, 2021 vincent Season 1 Episode 46

Pia Prana is a Women’s Personal Mastery and Leadership Coach, a Holistic Counsellor and Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release Practitioner. She draws on a rich background of therapeutic trainings and experience in spiritual studies, awareness training, and meditation. 

 Pia is also a Learning Love teacher, work which brings awareness and acceptance to the wounds carried from childhood, that affect our adult lives and relationships

She offers individual work, as well as groups as a Coach and Counsellor and we’ll discuss this in more detail in the podcast.  Pia has worked as a Coach since 2002, coaching 1000s of people, from more than 15 different countries. Pia has worked with many large multi-national companies and as a senior mentor in the training programs of Tony Robbins.

3:09 When I was eleven years old my parents said "We're going to move".....It really opened up a wander lust in me.
5:03 For me I call Hong Kong home.. our little house on Lamma Island is there....
7:58 I really miss it [Hong kKong]....
13:08 I decided to go as an exchange student [US]... Omeha Nebraska ...not an easy time...
15:15 I went to the UK to study...Manchester...then Edinburgh ...I understood the culture of my mother...
18:06 I wear a lot of hats from a professional capacity...supporting people learn...grow...
20:01 Holding the space for large groups... that led me to move into the training space... Under the umbrella of leadership...I trained as a holistic counsellor...a broad range of tools...
21:31 I work with women who go under the category of "Good Girl Syndrome"...the disease to please...
23:44 I call myself a recovering "good Girl"...
28:34 Why Good Girls? Because I lived it for so long...
30:48 In Hong Kong I know so many women who have been single for so many years...
31:27 It's generally not a quick fix...What's really being your need to please...that's where the work begins...
32.12 I take the coaching and then I marry it with the counselling...
33:59 There is a big belief system...
34:52 I shouldn't have needs...to unpack that ...to disintegrate that...takes some time...
37:17 "Good Girls" we use the outside world for cues...part of the journey is to bring them back...One of the first things I get clients doing is Meditation...
40:55 Meditation is about just becoming present to what is here and now...
42:23 one of the things I work a lot with clients are Boundries... notice your response...
45:14 Boundries are about giving yourself permission say yes when you mean it and no when you mean it...
48:38 I am a book reader... I'm going to stay on topic...
49:27 Three best sellers - Glennon Doyle... Lat book Untamed... I could not recommend more...
Glennon Doyle
Last  books Untamed,  Warrior and Carry On (Just started a podcast)
Krishnananda Trobe: Face to Face with Fear
John Bradshaw

MTR Quote: Just be Yourself - Everyone Else is Taken

Contact Pia:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pia.muggerud/
Private Facebook : The Evolving Women's Collective
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/piaprana

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