Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"Gatim Chakra Tea" with Lilyan Li

vincent Season 1 Episode 52

Lilyan Li was born in Hebei and grew up in Beijing. She did her undergraduate studies in Beijing and moved to Hong Kong in 2010 to study for her Master’s Degree in Corporate Communication at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Lilyan has settled in Hong Kong where she currently works.  

 Lilyan started her self-healing journey in 2019 after a year-long bout of depression. We discuss her self-healing journey in detail in the podcast.  Recently she has been following her passion and started her herbal tea business - Gatim. We go into the detail of her “Chakra Tea” in the podcast.

3:04 I was born in Hubei Province, very close to Beijing...my family moved to Beijing... I got the chance to come to Hong Kong... I came here for my masters degree...
4:03 I had surgeries to remove something out from my body ... A few years ago I was in some level of depression... the other side my ovary also got something... I always believe in self-healing and natural healing...
5:12 in June the doctor informed me the thing has disappeared... I healed myself...
6;12 The cyst was 10cm big... It was removed... The scientific approach did not make me happy... the physical illness came from emotional unhappiness...
9:17 I decided to go for more energy healing, more spiritual healing...
10:06 I was in depression four years ago for one year, I did not tell my mum... the darkest period of time in my life...
12:05 I met my yoga teacher 4 or 5 years ago ... then 2 years ago I met he again in her dance class... I feel the healing energy... I decided to enrol her yoga class... the beginning of my healing journey...
16:00 Spiritual healing we all have it ....
18:00 The yoga training planted a seed...
19:21 This year I had the feeling of reborning ... the year in 2021...
20:35 Key step is ...  to open up... I could have shut the door and hide inside the room.... It takes effort...
22:00 I'm so lucky , once I open the door... I met my yoga teacher ... my beautiful classmates...
23:45 I learned surrender...I didn't know how to surrender...how to follow the flow...
26:46 The most important thing doing my tea .. its the people I meet....
28:06 I learned the Chakra System...I started exploring herbal teas...combining  tea and the Chakra system... It grounded me... make the idea into reality... I started healing my root Chakra...
31:32 The Chakra comes from the Indian Vedas ...there are seven major Chakras...
35:58 The Chakra Tea matches each Chakra has it's own colour ...
37:19 Gatim - comes from The Bhagavad Gita... Gatim means destination...
38:15 My morning routine ... my gratitude to the world...my parents ....meditate... affirmations...
39:55 My passion is to learn and plus to share...I love to learn
41:21 All the setbacks come to life to lead to success... story of my boss...
46:38 I would talk to myself ...It helps so much ...
49:39 Take Aways ...

MTR QUOTE: You are your Own Saviour

Louise Hay:  You Can Heal your Life
Louise Hay:  Heal your Heart

Contact Lilyan
IG: https://www.instagram.com/gatimnaturalhealing/
FB: https://m.facebook.com/GatimNaturalHealing/
Email: gatimherbaltea@gmail.com

Contact Vincent
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Email: vincent.hiscox@outlook.com
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