Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"Homeopathy - A Way to Wellbeing" with Mina Weight

vincent Season 1 Episode 54

My guest on the podcast is Mina Weight. Mina is a Professional Homeopath and has been a practicing homeopathy since 1993. For Mina, well-being means feeling healthy, energetic, optimistic and content.

 Homeopathy is a safe and effective treatment for all ages, from infants to the elderly and it works by gently and effectively stimulating the body’s self-healing potential Mina treats a wide variety of issues and even uses homeopathy to treat pets and plants. We discuss this in the podcast.

 Mina is also a yoga teacher and believes that regular practice at any age enables you to improve your physical strength, suppleness and energy. We go into detail in the podcast. 

 You will find in the show notes  below information relating to our discussions in the podcast

3:39  I arrived in Hong Kong the first time in 1984... I had travelled on the Trans-Siberian....
5:03 I was friends with a couple whose wife had been a homeopathic nurse... In NW Pakistan we bumped into a women who was practicing Homeopathy ... that's when the seed started...
6:09 We returned to Hong Kong in 2008 with two teenage girls... From 2010 until now I have been practicing homeopathy...
10:22 I help people to get better... an individual treatment...
12:01 Most people come to homeopathy through Arnica ... as a creme... Arnica in pill form is much more powerful...
14:39 Homeo meaning similar and pathy- to disease (similar to disease)...
18:55 Dr Samuel Hahnemann(1755-1843) developed the principles and methodology of Homeopathy... succussion (vigorous shaking) with dilution...
24:15 The right remedy is the powerful healing trigger...
25:08 I like my patients ... to have a first aid kit at home ... with instructions...
26:10 It's important to remember we are not replacing standard medicine...
28:20 I do all sorts of kits... I do import them from Helios Pharmacy UK... I also individualise kits...
29:49 There is an awful lot of self-help before you get sick that you can do ...
30:30 I need my patients to become very observant...to record their symptoms ...
34:02 Awareness and being present, being connected, your mind to your body ...mindfullness which we also learn in yoga ...mind body connection ...
35:52 When I turned sixty I decided... I wanted to know more...so I embarked on teacher training ... the purpose of yoga is to still your mind... make a friend of your mind...
40:31 You can use homeopathy on your pets... you can use it in your garden...
44:01 I love learning...
45:47 There are over 44 thousand Homeopathic Doctors in Calcutta(Kolkata) alone...
47:17 I will never stop learning ...
48:50 I love reading about the deeper aspects of life...
49:00 Dr Samuel Hahnemann came up with phrase :The Life Force.... Homeopathic medians affect the Life Force ...
50:00 I am a member of the Spiritual Literacy Group

Mina offers a free 15m consultation to new clients: To discuss whether Homeopathy would be the most effective treatment for them.

Books :
Homeopathic Remedies - Așa Hershoff
A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
 Into the Magic Shop - Dr James Doty
The Book Of Joy - Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu

MTR Quote: Your heart knows the way, run in that direction - Rumi

First Aid Box : Aconite, Arnica, Arsenicum album,Belladonna ,Bryonia, Chamomilla, Carbo Veg, China, Ferrum phos, Gelsemium, Hepar sulph, Natrum mur, Nux Vomica, Merc Viv, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Ruta, Sepia, Sulphur (Helios Pharmacy - UK) - can do special kits.

Contact Mina
WhatsApp : 6908 3234

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