Over Forty Wellness Podcast

"Gemma-Sleep-Consultant" with Gemma Fisk

vincent Season 1 Episode 59

Gemma is a Certified Infant and Adult Sleep Consultant based in Hong Kong. She believes firmly in a holistic and science-based approach to help adults and children to sleep better. As an Infant and Adult Sleep Consultant, Gemma has helped hundreds of families to get their precious sleep back.

 Gemma a mother of two young children and a wife of an airline pilot knows everything about disturbed sleep for babies, children and adults. We go into detail in the podcast and Gemma shares some stories highlighting how she helps her clients.

 We also discuss the need for routines and regularity and how understanding your sleep chronotype enables you to optimise your sleeping patterns. Stress strongly affects our ability to sleep and Gemma shares some actionable tips on reducing stress.

3:30 We are British expats... I move here[Hong Kong] when I was four months pregnant.
5:53 When Lila hit four months ...she hit what's called the 4 month sleep regression...
6:42 Sleep depravation... it affects you physically, mentally, emotionally ...a dark place ...I decided to study...
9:05 I am now an Infant and Adult Sleep Coach...
10:46 Having a cool, dark, quiet environment... is absolutely key... helping them to wind down before their sleep... cuddle, read a book together...
11:23 Routine and schedule...
14:58 A regular wake up time and a regular bed time...
16:24The time you go to bed and the time you get up is dependant on your chronotype... there is an online questionnaire the Munich Chronotype Questionnaire (MCTQ)
21:03 Putting different chronotypes to different animals ....
https://casper.com/blog/chronotype/ (use at your own discretion)
22:10 With my studies is purely behavioural...I am not a doctor... I cannot prescribe medicine...
23:07 I can help to identify sleep disorders...
24:41 Stress is key... working long hours...time zone differences... Hong Kong is rated number 1 for sleep depravation...
25:47 The rubber band theory of stress... breathing...meditation...walking...
29:20 A story of a child with a sleep problem...
31:29 Twins are a tricky one ...
33:07 It's hard to think logically [when you are sleep derived]...
34:10 There is a pattern ...4 months is a big one...8 months...when there is change...
36:00 We start with an assessment form... a consultation of 60-90 minutes... for infant sleep clients I usually come to the home...a sleep environment assessment... a sleep plan ...
39:00 [Biggest challenge] I recently identified myself as a highly sensitive person... sometimes I take a step back...
40:52 The adult side of my business is relatively new...
41:42 Meeting other people is key... listening to podcasts ....I do refer out...
43:26 Because I have felt the depth od sleep depravation...
45:34 Weekend Jet Lag...
47:15 Our REM sleep is overnight therapy...(Rapid Eye Movement) It's like a brain cleanse...
Quote - Sleep is like overnight therapy REM sleep can help heal emotional wounds, strengthen fear responses and separate the emotions from the memories so when we wake up in the morning we feel better... free therapy

Matthew Walker - Why We Sleep.

MTR Quote: If you don't like something change it
 Take Aways 51:11

Contact Gemma
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gemma-fisk-76601b51/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/gemmasleepconsultant
IG: https://www.instagram.com/gemmasleepconsultant/

Contact Vincent
Newsletter: https://vincent1cd.substack.com
Pro Coach: https://procoach.app/vincent-hiscox
Email: vincent.hiscox@outlook.com
LinkedIn: Vincent Hiscox