The Dr. Lam Show

Better Health And Wellbeing With The Blood Type Diet Part 2

Dr. Lam

Last week we discussed the basics and understanding of blood type diet and specifically dove into Blood Type Diet A. This week's video will be diving into Blood type B, AB, and O and what to eat for these diets. If you have been struggling with losing weight, this could be the right diet for you.

2:00 - Blood Type B Diet Foods To Eat
3:18 - Blood Type B's should avoid chicken and shellfish
5:50 - Benefits of Blood Type B Diet
7:42 - Blood Type AB Diet and stomach acid
9:45 - Blood Type AB's Immune system
11:30 - Blood Type O can metabolize meat
13:53 - Vegetables that cause problems in Blood Type O

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Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Hi, welcome back to The Dr. Lam Show we are on a two-part series on the blood type diet. Last week we talked about the general overview of what blood type diet is, and the specifics of blood type diet A. So, don't forget to watch that episode on our YouTube channel or podcast channel. Today we will be going through blood type diet B, O and A B. Stay tuned if you have any of these blood types. I'm Dr. Carrie Lam, a board certified in family medicine and anti-aging and regenerative medicine. But I like to do functional and integrative medicine to help create better health and wellbeing for my patients.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

And I'm Dr. Jeremy Lam, I'm board certified in internal medicine as well as anti-aging and regenerative medicine. I love to talk about diet as well as how it relates to reversing chronic disease. Today, we will start with blood type B. These individuals usually can resist many of the common diseases of modern life such as heart disease, metabolic disease, and cancer. In fact, type B, who carefully follow the recommended diet and prevents undue stress in the body can often bypass severe diseases as well as live long and healthy lives. However, type B's are more prone to immune system disorders such as MS, Lupus and chronic fatigue syndrome. So type B diet is really balanced. It's wholesome and includes a variety of foods. Tell me more about the Type B Diet Dr. Carrie.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Yeah, I like this because I'm type B, so this will be relevant to me. So, for type B's, the biggest factors in waking are corn, buckwheat, lentils, peanuts, and sesame seeds. These foods have different lectins that affect the efficiency of the metabolic process. We discussed in the first episode, that lectins present in foods cause agglutination, or stickiness in your red blood cells. So, these lectins can cause stress to the metabolism and creates imbalance in your neural endo metabolic stress response, resulting in fatigue, fluid retention and hypoglycemia. So, the gluten lectin in wheat germ and whole wheat products can trigger sensitivity or reactions and create inflammation and stress in the body. In turn, it can add more problems to other metabolism slowing foods, and then disrupt regulating your stress response. So, what foods should Type B's eliminate Dr Lam?

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

Well, this is going to be hard for some people, it's important to leave off chicken because it contains a blood type B agglutinating lectin in the muscles. And so, these attack the bloodstream and potentially lead to strokes and immune disorders. Type Bs thrive on deep ocean fish, except shellfish. Shellfish also contains the lectins that are disruptive and cause stress to the Type B system.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

That's interesting because I actually don't really like chicken and I didn't really know why until I read them. But I love fish. There's an underlying reason.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

You're right, your body knows why. The Type B diet is actually the only blood type that can fully enjoy a variety of dairy foods, as their physiology allows them to digest and metabolize sugar and dairy products without slowing down or stress. Do you like dairy? Dr. Carrie?

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Yeah, but we know to take dairy in moderation and a lot of dairy is not recommended especially in America. Seeds like peanuts, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are not advised for Type B's as they contain the lectins that can interfere with insulin production. Interfering with this metabolic process can therefore lead to long term disruption in energy and diabetes and weight gain. Wheat also is not tolerated well by most Type B's as they contain the lectin that reduces insulin efficiency, and then that leads to a failure to stimulate fat burning and weight gain. Corn and buckwheat are major factors in type B weight gain. And it can contribute to sluggish metabolism, insulin irregularity, fluid retention and fatigue, causing lots of stress and Rye, which contains a lectin that settles in the vascular system causes blood disorders and potentially stroke. So definitely we have to be very careful about that.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

Fruits and vegetables are generally well tolerated and should be taken generously. The one thing that you should look out for is tomatoes, as they have lectins that irritate the stomach lining. Now, the benefits of the blood type B diet is that, it helps with your stress response, and it counteracts some of the stresses through that neuro endo metabolic stress response. And so there are limits to the human body's ability to handle stress. If that level of stress remains high and overtops, the capacity of the NEM circuits, then different organs systems begin to weigh down and malfunction and bring up unpleasant symptoms. So the blood type B diet helps the metabolism to function smoothly, and ensuring smooth function of metabolic processes is very important. So you can avoid metabolic stress such as IBS, weight gain and excessive inflammation.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

All of you type B's out there, does it sound very accurate, and do you start seeing connections with this information and how your body can react to certain foods? Learning about your blood type diet can help you understand a lot of strange symptoms and reactions that are going on probably for years, and this can be intensely rewarding and comforting. If you're eager to know more about the blood type diet, you should always do this with a practitioner support. Call our office at 114709 8000 for a free initial phone call. And we will be able to help you to navigate this. And if you would like more information, please check out the links. We'll be putting the article for blood type diet in there. So now we have two more blood types to look at. Let's start with type AB Dr. Jeremy.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

People with blood type AB behave A-like so they have weak stomach acid and are genetically programmed for their consumption of meats. So it can be really tricky to find the right balance of animal protein that will not create extra stress on the body Type ABs. They do best when their muscles tissues are slightly alkaline. The type ABs can't metabolize meat efficiently because of the low stomach acid. So it's really important to watch portion size and frequency. Chicken has lectins that irritate the blood and the digestive tract of type ABs and so that causes more stress on the metabolic process. Tofu is a really good protein supplement for type ABs as high quality protein which do not add extra stress. Other proteins such as nuts, seeds, beans and legumes, present a mixed picture. So, eat nuts and seeds in small amounts with caution.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

The Type ABs can tolerate dairy foods fairly well but watch out for excessive mucus production from eating dairy. Cultured or fermented dairy also can be easily consumed and digested for those with type AB physiology with less stress in the body. They would also do well on grains, even wheat but keep in mind that the inner kernel of the wheat grain is highly acidic forming in the muscle for type ABs which can lower the muscles potential and therefore make it less efficient for them to do physical activity or exert themselves. So, keeping muscles more alkaline lessens stress on their body when they're exercising. The Type AB benefits from a diet richer in rice rather than pasta. Tell us about the type ABs weak immune system?

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

They have a weaker immune system so they will benefit more from vegetables which are very high in phytochemicals. Fruits especially those rich in vitamin C's grapefruits, lemons and kiwis are also a strong contributor to immune health. It is important to have a strong and smoothly functioning immune system, as it's a critical component to a well-balanced neuro endo metabolic stress response. Remember that oranges can irritate the digestive system and interfere with nutrient absorption. So more alkaline foods such as grapes, berries and plums, can actually help to balance the grains that are acid forming in the muscle tissues. Tomatoes are okay and those in type ABs so you can eat more tomatoes. And type AB should actually begin each day by drinking a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon, about half of a lemon to cleanse the system of mucus accumulated while sleeping. People with Type AB blood can find it a little tricky to really balance their diet because of multiple antigens, and struggling between both A and B. If you're struggling with this, then don't try to do it on your own. Call 714-709-8000 and we'll be able to help you out and guide you with easier ways to find that balance of what your body needs. Now we're on to our last blood type blood type O so Dr. Carrie, tell us more about that.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Type O's thrive on intense physical exercise and animal protein. Unlike the other blood types, the type of muscle tissue should be slightly on the acidic side and meat is usually more acidic. So, type O's can efficiently digest and metabolize meat because they tend to have higher stomach acid content, only if they didn't have any gut issues. The success of the type O diet depends on the use of lean, chemical free meats, poultry, and fish. Consuming these kinds of high-quality animal protein ensures that the smooth muscles can function in the body without stress. Type O's don't like dairy products and grains as much as the other blood types. So, if you are trying to lose weight with Type O, you should restrict consumption of grains, breads, legumes and beans. The leading factor for metabolic dysregulation and weight gain for Type Os is gluten. Gluten can be found in wheat germ and whole wheat products and it can interfere with insulin efficiency and slow down metabolic rate. What else can cause my weight gain and Type Os Dr Jeremy?

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

Beans and legumes specifically like lentils and kidney beans contain lectins that deposit in the muscle tissue and make them less charged for physical activity. These add a burden on metabolic readiness of the body in regard to physical exertion. The other factor that contributes to weight gain and type O is that they have a tendency to have low levels of thyroid hormone or unstable thyroid function. And this obviously causes more metabolic problems. Therefore, it's good to avoid foods that inhibit thyroid hormones such as cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, and mustard greens. And it's good to increase kelp, seafood and iodized salt. These help to increase your hormone production. So Dr. Carrie, what are some vegetables that caused problems?

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Even though we love vegetables, some vegetables can cause more problems in Type os such as the brassica family like cabbages or cauliflowers and can actually inhibit thyroid function. So eat more vegetables that are high in Vitamin K, which helps the clotting factor which is also weakened Type Os. This would just be green leafy vegetables. The nightshade vegetables can also cause lectin deposit in the tissue surrounding the joints so got to be careful about nightshades like tomatoes. And because of the high acidity of their stomach, Type Os should eat fruits that are more alkaline, such as berries and plums, rather than citrus. Type Os should also restrict the use of dairy as their system is not designed for proper metabolism of dairy. And especially if you're of African ancestry you should eliminate dairy and eggs alltogether.

Dr. Jeremy Lam, MD:

Okay, and so that's what we have for our Type O diet. If you're interested in learning more about these blood type diets specifically and wanting more guidelines, the link to the article will be in the description as well as you can always call our office at 714-709-8000. And we will be able to give you more information and help you out. So that's all we have for today on The Dr. Lam Show. If you've really liked this information, then please subscribe to the channel and share this with other people as well. Thanks again and remember that we're always here to empower you to take control of your health.


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