The Dr. Lam Show

Break Through Your Block with Transformologist Maggie Chilton

June 06, 2021 Dr. Lam

Break Through Your Block - If you feel like you are doing the work and still not getting results and continue to be anxious and stressed in the process, then learn more with our guest Maggie Chilton about how to transform your life and release those blocks with less doing and more being. Find out how to change your beliefs on a subconscious level. Also enjoy this Personal Wellness journal absolutely free:

3:40 - What is Transformology
7:15 - How to feel and look better by getting through barriers.
11:40 - How to Get over Fatigue Block
14:45 - How to Be Happy
18:30 - How to work on the Subconscious

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Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Welcome to the Dr. Lam show today. We have a very special guest Maggie Chilton. She is a registered holistic nutritionist, and a holistic wellness coach and transfer monologist. Not a lot of us know what that is, but it's so interesting. I'm so glad that we can learn so much from her today, as she deals specifically with women and women's health and how to create long lasting change in their lives. Especially if you're stressed and anxious and you've gone through so many programs, and yet now, you don't know what to do. She helps a lot of such women. So we're so glad to have you here on our Dr. Lam show, Maggie, and tell us about yourself.

Maggie Chilton:

Thank you so much for having me here. It's an absolute pleasure. I got into holistic nutrition when my youngest son was about three. He was having developmental delays. I came home one weekend, and he was just red, he just had lots of blotches and his eyes were watering, he looked unwell. I took him to the naturopath, couldn't find anything specific, for dairy, wheat, etc. And then we noticed that he had ear issues and so he had a number of ear tubes at it and all the while I kept thinking of there's got to be something that I can do. I felt like my hands were tied to us having the usual North American diet, like chicken fingers and cheese and, animal crackers. It was the same with my first son. So I didn't think I could do anything, and this went on for a while. And then a friend of mine asked if I've heard about Weston A. Price? He was a dentist in Canada, and he developed Weston A. Price diet based on traditional whole foods. I decided to give this a try, completely went organic, food and vegetables, and raw dairy. Within three weeks, my son said his first sentence that we could actually understand. It was a revelation and even now I get chills. And when I talk about it, to be able to actually understand your three year old, was amazing. So that went on for about four years, and he got progressively better. Then we moved from British Columbia to Ontario where it just so happened, was the Canadian School of Natural nutrition. At the time, I was about 46 or 47, and thought, going back to school for a year is daunting, I nervous that my brain wouldn't be able to hold anything. Now, five years later, I have the most amazing job and business working with women specifically. It's so fulfilling that I just wanted to do this for the rest of my life.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

That's an amazing story about your son and how food is so important. Like you said, the North American diet, we call it the standard American diet. Food and diet is definitely the foundation of health. Now you do something with women called Transformation. Can you tell us a little more about that?

Maggie Chilton:

Yeah, so the method that we use is called creatrix, designed by a woman in Australia Maz Schirmer. She worked in multilevel marketing companies, at the top of her game and highly successful. Yet, what she was teaching women was not what she was doing to get on top of her game, because women and men very different. Women think and act differently and our emotions are different. Our brain never switches off like we don't have a 'nothing box', we're all about community, caring, and men are more into, the deal, getting things done, providing. It's different. Maz went through some bad times in her life, and after having a seizure at one point, she realized that she had to speak out and advocate for women. She designed this method called creatrix for women, specifically someone born with a uterus, whether it's been removed or not. The transformology part is developed over time, transforming women's lives using this method. It's essentially, gaining the wisdom, to be intuitive, listening to what women have to say, just like talking to a friend, and feel better as women speak through their experience. As Transformologists, we actively listen, take note of what they are saying and check their body language. When you let them just talk, they reveal their deep seated issues, beliefs, feelings they've been holding on to for years, and didn't know they believed in. Through our deep active listening as a Transformologist, you pick up on those keywords that reveal why they're not living their best life, and their beliefs about not being a good mother, or will never find a partner etc. So, it's that listening that is important.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

So the process itself is healing. It's good to listen correctly, but I'm sure you have your own protocol and way of listening that really transforms people women's lives. Can you describe a typical client and the common symptoms of blocking in women that you encounter?

Maggie Chilton:

The most common thing is to do with nutrition. Women find me because they want to feel and look better. The last client that I just worked is a good example. So she googled nutritionist, in the London area, contacted me and said, she wanted to become healthier. And so I said, that's actually the second step. My first process would be to see why you're in this position, and what's preventing you from not eating healthy, neglecting yourself and, not investing in yourself. So, we started working on her issues, and came up with a list of about 30, nearly 28 or 29 of those due to childhood abuse, and trauma that she had been dealing with almost 15 years. The beautiful thing about what I do in my businesses, we guarantee results, which I can't do as a holistic nutritionist, where, I can only take you so far, give you the information, and then it's up to you, if you follow through. I can't guarantee that this food, supplement, or lifestyle change will help you. In creatrix. I can guarantee you, that I will not finish working with you until all of these issues are gone. With my client, within three sessions, she'd got rid of just under 30 issues. And by gone, I mean, she never has to worry about them again. And, you know, when when someone comes who's sad, despondent, teary and she's just kind of lost hope and then it's amazing when you see her transformed. And as you see her smiling, wearing brighter clothes, and her words are different, it's just a beautiful thing to see. And then, you can start on the nutrition program. In fact, I did her nutrition consult this morning and I said that she's my dream client because she's doing everything that's going to help live a healthy lifestyle, a few tweaks here and there, but she's doing everything. She just didn't know all of the other stuff was keeping her from a better life, of not feeling enough. And now she's changed that and deals with all situations. I want every client to be like that.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Great to see such big changes. So what you're saying is that, yes, nutrition is important, and we mostly focus on the physical side first because that is something we can see. But we need to deal with the mind, first - the emotional, social, behavioral aspect of stress. And deal with the past and the future. It's amazing to deal with 30 issues in three sessions. So what are some other tips you can give for women who are struggling, and can't get over that mindset of, not feeling enough, and feeling so horrible that they don't want to get out of bed. Do you see this type of block very often?

Maggie Chilton:

I have experienced this myself, because, creating a business is not easy and so every program, self help book that I've read, are mostly designed for men, written by men, with their point of view. So, I have to use their formula to do things, the program, meal plan etc in order to be happy. So let's say it's a woman on a health journey. So, I will be happy, when I follow a diet, lose weight, or when I have the money or the car. But for women, to be happy, we need to clean that core belief, that intuition that is probably rusty from never listening to it or pushing it down. We have to remove those thoughts like we are not good enough, we can't do, we won't do or we've done many times and haven't succeeded. So if we can happy in ourselves, by switching our thoughts. For generations, women have been trained, and taught to do it the male way. If you do all of these things, you'll have things and then you'll be happy. But women actually want to happy first, and then everything else is so much easier. In fact, once you're happy with yourself with the help of our programs, you can do the affirmations, meditations and everything resonates and comes back to you. Women are energetic beings and what we put out, we get back like someone in the street, is angry and we will resonate, and match that energy. Whereas if somebody is really happy then you resonate that happy and calm energy. It's exactly the same with the thoughts, feelings and beliefs that you have that you're putting out into the world.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

That's amazing. Less doing and more being right.

Maggie Chilton:

100% You nailed it.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

A different mindset, even even as doctors, we always like to create a plan that the patient can follow and if you don't then what type of patient or client are you? But changing the mindset, first is important step to be happy. It's very generic, but so important. How do you even start?

Maggie Chilton:

To define happiness? Because people say - oh, yes, happy sounds wonderful. But happiness basically means, devoid of stress. And you feel like, the world has something for you that you have something to give the world. It's not just saying I'm going to be happy and have these affirmations. It's about reducing stress and knowing that, all is good out here, and I can do some good in the world. That's what we mean by happy.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Yes, giving back. I think a lot of women, they feel like they just keep giving, but they don't feel acknowledged. Like working moms feel they're not appreciated for the work they're doing. They just focus so much on the work, rather than how is this amazingly affecting the people that they're working or children growing up. It just adds to their stress level. So I love how you mention reducing stress, for being happy. Stress is one of the biggest things we deal with. Our society puts us in this bubble that we need to be stressed in order to be successful, and to keep going and to make money. And this definition of success is played probably by men, right?

Maggie Chilton:

Men can measure it. I've done all of these things, therefore, I get paid more, therefore, I manage more people, therefore, I have, my truck, car, my possessions. They're providers, so they like to accumulate things, to show that they are successful. Whereas, majority of women, if they just love themselves, then they'll feel great and that's all that they need. Everything else is a bonus.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

That's a good point. So different between men and women. We really have have to create this community of how we view ourselves, and women who are looking for affirmation, transforming the way they think is possible. There's a hope for them, even in less than three visits with you, it's actually possible.


Transformations work, but you have to do it subconsciously first . Affirmations and manifestations are all conscious and they work when you're thinking about it. You can put stickers on your fridge, mirror, screensaver, and see it in your conscious. However, unconsciously unless you get to that deep level, and get rid of the things that are holding you back and replace those with the wisdom then these affirmations and mantras will set in your subconscious.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

I like the way you go into that subconscious versus conscious. The decisions that you're making, concretely are more conscious, or you're seeing something but you have to really implement these ideas, so that you're living it subconsciously. How do you get there?

Maggie Chilton:

Your subconscious basically runs your life, right? When you're driving somewhere familiar, like going home, you don't think about it every time and you can probably listen to the radio, have a conversation. That's your subconscious. The way you can breathe, blink are done by your subconscious. So we allow that subconscious to run our lives. So if that subconscious core belief is cluttered with trauma, there have been studies on this, showing that it's a lot of things to carry around and that subconscious is affecting every single moment of your day. And so with the method of Creatrix we allow a woman to put her conscious mind on hold and have some fun with the unconscious. We get rid of the trauma and issues that she's dealing with and replace with your wisdom. Women already what the subconscious needs but since it's buried so deep, it's very difficult to do, on a conscious level. So we have to get into the subconscious, that programs 95% of our day, those thoughts and beliefs coming down generations over all these years. We don't come into this world with preconceived notions and beliefs, it's a blank slate and then we get programmed. And that's the way that that we live in it becomes our normal.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

So then you work on the woman to try to push aside the conscious and reprogram the subconscious.

Maggie Chilton:

We get rid of all of those issues that she's dealing with, 100% guaranteed, or we keep working on them? When you're going to therapy, you either book in your sessions, or have a block of sessions, which is not something we do in creatrix. We work until your locks are gone. That's our ommitment to our clients

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

That's awesome. It's been great talkin and learning about how to brea through your blocks transforming women's lives. S if someone wanted to find you Maggie, what's the best way t find you


I'm on Instagram is maggiechilton_transform. Website


//, and Facebook is Maggie Chilto

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Perfect, and you also said you have like a gift that you want to give out to people if they do. Comment and contact you.

Maggie Chilton:

Yeah, I have designed a personal wellness journal for somebody who is interested in elevating their nutrition or health. Someone who wants an idea of, what does my day look like, what do I usually think. what am i grateful for, just reminding them to go outside and get sunshine, drink water, be grateful, all of those things. You can contact me, or there is a link, they can download of a 30 day course to start thinking a little bit differently and think about what's possible. An overview of what the day or the week looks like and how I can remove those limiting beliefs that I have right now.

Dr. Carrie Lam, MD:

Thank you so much. We'll have the link in the comments section, and in the video. If anyone is wanting to talk to you, reach out to Maggie Chilton. We're so grateful to have her here as our Transformologist and learn about empowering women's lives in the Dr. Lam show. Again, we are empowering you to take control of your health. So make sure to like subscribe, share this video, and stay tuned for the next episode. Have a good day.