Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love

Poorly Timed Conversations

Michele Lisenbury Christensen Season 1 Episode 22

Conversations that go sideways are almost always ill-fated before they even begin.  And the majority of those we could pretty easily predict will go badly do so because of one common factor:  POOR TIMING.  One of you was not ready to have THAT conversation right THEN.  And nobody asked about this.  Or they did ask whether it was a good time, but they didn’t like the answer, so they went ahead anyway!  I’ve been guilty of that, myself.  And always lived to regret it!

So today I’m out to eliminate some of those regrets from all our lives by talking about how to time a conversation, how to ask “is now a good time?” and what to do when someone asks you that.  Then we’ll look at how to deal with your partner’s response and what becomes possible inside your relationship and inside each of you when you build this skill.

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