Leading Generous Teams

EXPERT INSIGHT: Five Ways to Avoid Burnout + Recharging on the Fly

October 01, 2020 Clare Desira Season 1

In our fifth bonus episode, host Clare Desira, expands on opportunities for generous leaders to proactively build their own resilience, well being and mental health and extend this to their teams.  

In this episode, Clare explores: 

  • An approach for when we're so close to burn out - it's not holidays!
  • How we can support our teams to not reach burn out in the first place
  • A five part model for bringing more meaning into our work for you and your teams

For more on Beyond Blue and WHO's tips for pandemic wellbeing and how they stack up against longer term models for wellbeing, see this link: https://topfivemovement.com/how-do-pandemic-wellbeing-tips-stack-up-against-long-term-wellbeing-models/

If you can't wait to start building the resilience of your teams with our free tools or learn more common workplace re-framing examples, head over to www.topfivemovement.com/tools

To book a chat in Clare's diary head here: https://topfivemovement.com/lets-chat/

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