KPL Podcast
Each week the Kirkwood Public Library Podcast delves into in depth conversations with bestselling authors, provides book and film recommendations.
KPL Podcast
KPL Podcast June 2024 Week 3 with Special Guest Suzanne Park
This week in the KPL Podcast, we have bestselling author Suzanne Park and we talke about her new book One Last Word. The main character, Sara Chae is the founder of One Last Word, an app that allows you to send a message to anyone you want after you pass. Safeguards are in place so the app will only send when you’re definitely, absolutely, 100% dead, but when another Sara Chae dies and her obituary is posted online, Sara discovers that drafted messages she had drunkenly uploaded one night have been released —one each to her emotionally charged mother, to her former best friend who ghosted her, and to her unrequited high school crush.
Author Reads
Happiness Falls by Angie Kim
My Vampire Plus One by Jenna Levine
Missing White Women by Kellye Garrett